
Hey, just stopping by to say hi. I’m just getting into modeling, I remember when I was young I built an airplane or two, and was into model rockets for a while. Anyways, the other night I was cleaning out the basement and I found a Revell Chevy Lowrider kid along with a chevy bel-air. I thought it would be fun to give them a try again. I am more interested in military kits, but these will work just to get started out.

See ya

[#welcome] to the forums! Pull up a keyboard and stay a while.


As Bill (bgrigg) said. Welcome! If you need an answer to a question, there are lots of great people on here that can assist. Check in as your build progress continues, it’s always good to see “In-Progress” pictures.



[#welcome] scooter…glad to have you aboard. You’ll have lots of fun and get any info you need around here. [4:-)]

Welcome. Many of us are born again modelers.

Welcome to the Forums Scooter [#welcome]. Glad you’re here.

Regards, Rick

Welcome to the forums!

Welcome to the forums! Get started on those models and the bug will bite you again! Feel free to post away if you have any questions. This place is the best resource for modelling out there.