Hello to All

Just a hello to all I am a wargamer and modeler for better part of 20 years I pretty much build military models jets to figures, but have on occasion built a NASCAR or something that caught my eye.
I am a figure painter for wargaming a member of H.M.G.S. and more clubs that I forgot over the years.
If anyone needs help or has a question about painting figures drop me an email anytime, cause I will be asking a few as well.
We don’t all know it all.
Have a Great Day and hey just a little glue.
2nd Lt.

Welcome to the nut farm…er…forum. Lot’s of good information here. I’m sure yuor comments will be appreciated, as well.
Once again, welcome to the family!
Gip Winecoff

Welcome to FSM WarGamer. Good to have another experienced modeller join us here. Enjoy the forums !!!

Welcome to the forums WarGamer!

Hello and Welcome

Hop on Buddy! This is one great place to hang out. Everybody is friendly, helpful, and encouraging. You won’t wait long for a response aroung here!

Hi ya WarGamer

Welcome to the greatest scale modeling site on the 'net … the FSM Community Modeling Forum(s). [^]

I am glad that you stopped in … checked us out … and joined up. When you get a chance to spend a little more time here with us … you will quickly find that we are a very friendly, helpful and diverse group of scale modelers … we hail from all points of the compass and have many different interests and opinions.

Again, welcome and have fun!!! >>> [;)] <<< It’s all Good [8D]

Hello and welcome!
I may take you up on that offer when I work up enough courage to tackle a lerge scale figure.


Hi, WarGamer! Welcome to FSM. I think you’re gonna like it here!

Hi wargamer,

Nice to have you here. What kind of games do you usually play?

Me, I am into real-time strategy games (Close Combat, Sudden Strike, Blitzkrieg and Combat Mission).

See you around.

Thanks for checking in!!! Enjoy your stay and don’t be shy about offering advice as well as asking questions. Always nice to have multiple opinions!
