hello folks from saltydog. i’m a residential home builder from LA (lower alabama…roll tide roll). i absolutely love aircraft modeling from WWII era to present. i started when i wuz about 8 yrs old. had to quit because of many spills and accidents with toxic materials. my mom had a coffee table with a permenent Mobile Press Registar headline glued to it with liquid cement that got knocked over. yes the peach tree switch that she used to “adjust my attitude” with spoke with authority. after that i decided scale modelling could be put on hold util i found a suitable place. im now 31 yrs old and just sprayed my first coat of paint on my 1st model in about 15 yrs and it fills great. this forum is absolutely essential to my learning process. thanks folks for sharing such wonderful and enlightening information.
glad to have you on here. I’ve learnt a lot in the past few months myself. I’m sure you will to!
Welcome. Like yourself, I am also a beginner. Learned a lot from the old-timers here (I mean experts). Keep on logging in.
Welcome aboard, Saltydog. Youve come to the right place.
Salty, my first model was an AMT Charlie’s Angels Cobra; at 10 years old, I got glue everywhere(I even got some on the car and managed to assemble it). I didn’t start seriously modelling(meaning I started sanding and filling seams)until my 20’s. I joined the forum to increase my knowledge from fellow “plastic surgeons”; welcome and enjoy!