Hi, The name’s Colin and I’ve been building models for the past 32 years.
Since the mid eighties, I have concentrated on SF subjects; most notably ‘guest’ craft from the Gerry Anderson productions including:
Zero -X (Thunderbirds are Go)
Thunderbird 6 (De Havilland DH98 Tiger Moth)
Spearhead and Arrowhead jets from Stingray
Zombite Fighter (Thunderbirds - ‘The Uninvited’
Red Arrow 1 - (Thunderbirds - ‘Edge of Impact’
Moonbase Interceptor (UFO)
NASA aircraft (Doppelganger/Journey to the Far Side of the Sun)
Mk IX Hawk - Studio Scale (Space:1999 - ‘War Games’)
I am currently working on a Moonbase Alpha Primary Laser Defence Tank (Space: 1999 - ‘The Infernal Machine’. This features full cockpit detailing and, it is hoped, Radio Control!
It looks a lot, but when you consider I bought the Moonbase Interceptor at the 1987 World SF Con and finished it last year…
Anyway, that’s enough from me now. I hope we can share many interesting discussions together.
All the best.