Hi everybody, my name´s Fabio and I´m starting now in this forum. My English isn´t very well…but…I´ll survive.
I´d like modeling combat planes, armor, figures and ships.
I´ve been modeling since ´69.
I can hope change my modest experience with you…
Welcome Fabio!
I just started on FSM yesterday, but have been modelling a little longer than you with a few too many breaks. This forum has a lot of great info as does the website. I shouldnt have any trouble with your accent(just kidding), my father-in-law is Portuguese. Again, welcome[:D]
Welcome to FSM Fabio…I think you will enjoy it here…don’t worry about your English, I’ve been speaking it all my life and still have problems with it. LOL
I look forward to your posts.
Welcome Fabio!
Your English is 100% better than the majority of this formum’s Portuguese I can assure you. If there is anything we can assist you with, don’t hesitate to ask. There is a wealth of knowledge regarding modeling amongest the members here.
Dick McC
Hi friends!!!
Thank´s to everybody!!!
Cnstrwkr, I still have an Italian accent (because my grandma and grandpa) and my grandmother (mother of my mother) were from Portugal, the city of Porto and her mother were from Aveiros.
Amen…Sherman and thank´s Dick…
Fabio, my family is Italian. My father-in-law is from Ericeira, near Mafra, just north of Lisbon. Again, welcome
Hi e boa vinda! Eu espero que você aprecíe sua estada neste Web site
e aprecíe tudo que tem que oferecer.
Hi boybuddho, thank´s.
Of course I enjoy this site…
Are you brazilian?
Hi ya Fabio …
Let me add another “welcome aboard” … this IS a great site … we are very informal and welcome all modelers from anywhere on the face of the earth … and I think perhaps from some other planets … ! [;)]
Spend as much time here as you can … reading, posting & sharing … that is what helps make all of us richer in modeling, but most of all … have fun! [:D]
Thank´s Steve, I´ll try to keep my fingers without glue…hehehe…