I finally found it. I was about to give you untill I found the new site. These forums are fantastic with lots of great info and help from other modelers. There are some great people here that are very talented.
Welcome back Lurch! Glad you found your way in.
Welcome aboard,glad you found it.
Welcome! Glad you are here.
Welcome Lurch. Wishing you happy modeling in the new year!
Thanks guys. I got a little lonely in the other site. This place gives me lots of inspiration. My health has gotten worse in the last 4 months but still hanging in. Looking forward to seeing all the great stuff here.
Glad your spirits are high even though your having so issues, good luck, hang in there, looking forward to seeing your work.
Wont be building anytime soon. But I can still admire everyone elses work. Thanks for the positive comments tho.
Welcome back Lurch!! Great to have you here with us man.
Great to be back. There are some mighty great people here and some very talented ones also.
Hopefully it gets as busy as it used to be here…and without the drama