hello from london...and a question...

hi guys,
found this site after endless trauling on the web…it’s pretty cool!!
my interests are WWII aircraft and armour…
a question re the ARDENNES OFFENSIVE: can you please tell me which sides (if any) used whitewashes on their armour during the so-called battle of the bulge??
i have a tamiya jagdpanther already built to instructions’ spec, but don’t know whether to add whitewash…
i also have the tamiya sherman “frontline breakthrough” and king tiger “ardennes front” in mind…can anyone help me please?
many thanks,
nick mayhew

Welcome to FSM Nick … good to see that your trauling wasn’t in vain.

I believe you would be correct in using whitewash on any of the vehicles that saw action in the Ardennes. I can definitely say that some Shermans in the Ardennes did have this for winter camo.

You may get more mileage with this question though if you post it in the Armour Forum.

I look forward to your posts.

hey shermanfreak, i can’t believe all this stuff actually works!!!
your pictures are really cool by the way…(wittman’s replacement tank in which he and all crew were killed right?)
gonna post my question in the armour forum like you suggested…
speak soon no doubt!

Hi ya nmayhew

Welcome Nick, to the FSM Community Modeling Forum(s) !!! [^]

I am glad that you stopped by … checked us out … and joined up. [8D]

If you will spend just a little time … here and there … reading this and that … and posting to one forum and then the next one … your choice … you will quickly find that we are a very diverse and very friendly group of scale modelers … from all over the world … 20,000 plus strong (many from the UK) and getting bigger by the hour !!! [:D]

Again, welcome to the best place on the 'net for scale modelers … have fun and come back often!!! [:p]

Hi, Nick. Welcome to the pages of the FSM site. I hope you’ll find it useful and that you’ll be a frequent visitor here. I think it’s fair to say that both The Allies and the Germans used whitewash as a form of camo during the Battle of the Bulge pretty extensively. I’ve seen any number of photos of vehicles from both sides that were whitewashed, used bedsheets, snow; pretty much whatever was needed for concealment. Hope thi shelps. - Ed

As far as ive seen of tanks of both sides during this period they definately did wear snow camo from all photos ive seen hope this help.