Hello from Brasilia - Brasil


I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Adriano, nick Adrixx. I’m 36 years old, married and a proud father of two boys. [:D]

I started modeling about 30 years ago, when we had Revell kits made in Brasil. My first kit was an 1/144 Curtiss P-40… [:)]

As many of my colleagues, I stopped modeling when I was a teenager, and returned about 3 years ago. To be honest, I’m a very slow modeler, but a fast “boxmodeler”! [(-D]

I like modeling almost anything: real space (specially the Mercury-Gemini-Apollo period), science-fiction (Star Trek and Star Wars), aircraft (from WWII to the 60´s) and armor (German WWII).

I subscribe FSM since 1999, and I joined the Forum in 2003.

Sorry for my English. I can receive you well, but transmitting is not so easy…! [8)]

Welcome. My English isn’t the best and I’m a native speaker. I’m a university student so I don’t get to build much, but I do log a lot of time here and build when I can.

[#welcome] to the forums.

Hi Adrixx, it’s me - Edklingon, from the webkits forum!!! Welcome aboard (like me!)

[#welcome] to the forums! Pull up a keyboard and stay a while.

My Portuguese is worse than your English! I don’t know if the online translator got this right or not?

Boa vinda aos forums! Puxe para cima um teclado e permaneça um quando.

Welcome to the Forums [#welcome].

Regards, Rick


Nice to see you here! [:)]


The “welcome” part is OK, but the “keybord” one makes no sense when translated to Portuguese.

I don’t think we have a similar expression. In spite of that, I understood. [:)]