It is amazing how the world has progressed…lol
I am 33yo and was a avid plastic model builder from 9yo to 20yo.Back then any tips from airbrushing to decal setting you only read in magazines.Now thankfully we have the internet.
I just got back into modeling by finishing a Monogram 1:48 B-29 Superfortress for my GF’s stepfather.He loved it.I do have an old MACtools airbrush lying around which I have only used once before winning a 2nd place award on a Gruman intruder at a local model show back in 1989.
Recently I purchased the Monogram PBY-5A Catalina model and will be looking at these forums for airbrushing tips and other stuff.I look forward to chatting with everyone.
By the way,I am a 2 year player of WW2Online and a jet engine mechanic.