Hello all From vermont

It is amazing how the world has progressed…lol

I am 33yo and was a avid plastic model builder from 9yo to 20yo.Back then any tips from airbrushing to decal setting you only read in magazines.Now thankfully we have the internet.

I just got back into modeling by finishing a Monogram 1:48 B-29 Superfortress for my GF’s stepfather.He loved it.I do have an old MACtools airbrush lying around which I have only used once before winning a 2nd place award on a Gruman intruder at a local model show back in 1989.

Recently I purchased the Monogram PBY-5A Catalina model and will be looking at these forums for airbrushing tips and other stuff.I look forward to chatting with everyone.

By the way,I am a 2 year player of WW2Online and a jet engine mechanic.

Welcome to FSM Vermont. It’s good to have you join us here and great to hear that you are back into modelling.

Hi ya Vermont

Welcome to the FSM Community Scale Modeling Forum(s) … it’s great to hear the you are back into the hobby after a few years off … and I am glad that you have found us … dropped in … checked things out … and joined up … have fun !!! [^]

Hi. Welcome to the forums. Hope you find them useful, and hope we’ll see that Cat when you’re done. - Ed

Seeing some of the projects posted here that you guys/gals have finished made me realize how outclassed I am at painting/finishing.

Lotta work to do and questions to ask.