Heller La Reale de France

Has anyone built this kit? Just received it and have not yet started. The instructions are just OK, with the English translation obviously not as complete as the original French. Tried using several internet automatic translation services, but got lots of stuff like this:

"Stick each other the pieces 243 Glues each other the pieces 244 Glues each other the pieces 245 HAS the assistance of the wire metallique contained in wood, fabruquer the anses around a cylindrical object (To See detail) Attention the diametre of the anses will have to vary according to the size of the pot. Slip on the anse on the last maillon of the chaine and cut 18MM of chaine. Place the anse in his pot.

Surround the piece 218 with the free extremite of the chaine and to set up it while securing two rings has the assistance of a fine end old color now. (To see detail) To Leave to hang about 6 maillons. Repeter the operation for every pot When the pots are some places to stick 218 on 236."

Cool, huh. And helpful too! Has anyone translated the instructions or have you built this kit and can offer any advice.



To thread the handle on the last chain link and to cut 18mm of chains. To place the handle in its pot. To surround part 218 with the loose lead of the chains and to fix it by binding two rings using fine an end color old gold. (see detail) To let hang approximately 6 links. Repeter the operation for each pot When the pots are in place to stick 218 out of 236.

I’ve built it. Beautiful kit isn’t it? I had a bit of the same problem when reading/following the instructions. Here is what I did, simply followed the drawings and thought out where the parts go. If you think that kit hard wait till you try the HMS Victory by Heller on page 6 they show the entire ship broken down as a line drawing and all the part being connected by dotted lines. man it must have taken them weeks to draw that one sketch. If you will copy the instructions I should be able to hel;p you get it together.


I have just started on the Victory and any comments about building it would be helpful.


email off BB at jbgroby@bellsouth.net it will be quicker this way for me to send you info.


Hee Hee! You got to love auto translators!
You could try a high school French class … maybe a student or teacher can help translate. That assumes of course you are in a part of the world where they teach French in school. Also query around in your neighborhood and see if there is a conversational French club?