I can see the need for a new sub-forum under the Aircraft category for helicopters. There has been a lot of activity in this area lately, and I believe that we need a separate forum for the Rotor Heads residing here.
If this can be done, (as an administrator at another site, I KNOW it can easily be done), I’d also like to see the existing threads moved to the new forum. There is a definite group of enthusiasts who focus on helicopters and I feel that this group warrants a separate forum.
The forum software we’re using doesn’t have an option for sub-forums (unfortuneately). We really, really could use sub-forums. The good news is that I’m very familiar with the code and I’m confident I can make the necessary modifications. This is on my “parking lot” list.
Sonds good! Get the “rotor wash” and “flight line tape” ready! Just don’t step through the “greenhouse” and never use “MO Gas” to wash a turbine engine!
Clear Left!
I would love to see a helicopter forum. I’m a former flight engineer/crewchief on Chinooks. I am putting together an idea for a diorama for this aircraft. It would be great if they made one in 1:35 scale. I hope this new forum flys.
Slings Tight.
I also like the idea of a helicopter forum. It would save us wading through the other stuff to get what we love. Thanks Dave for looking into this.
Definitely would like to see a Helicopters forum. It’d be much easier than hunting through all of the dozens of other “straight (or swept) wing” posts to get at what we’re all interested in. I’d have seen this posting sooner otherwise! LOL
In all seriousness, though, a helicopter forum would be beneficial!
There are two ways that this can be done… the easiest way would be to rename the “Aircraft” forum “Fixed-Wing Aircraft” and create a new “Rotary-Wing Aircraft” forum. This way would be quick-and-dirty; please be sure to move all Helicopter threads to that forum should you decide to go that route.
The other way, which would be more involved, would be to create new categories (such as Aircraft, Armor, Automotive, and Science Fiction or Fantasy) and have the forums as the sub-categories. I realize that this would take a lot more work, and I certainly don’t expect you to restructure your already EXCELLENT board to suit one group of enthusiasts.
Thanks for your consideration, DV… this site is still young and has so much potential! Keep up the GREAT work!
As an old AH-1F gun bunny and OH-58A scout guy, I’d really love to see a dedicated “thread” to the world of helicopters. I’ve got 3 kits on the table and looking for more. My wish list: (1) 1/35th U.S. Army AH-1G with Cavalry markings or a 1/35th U.S. Army AH-1S with full anti-armor configuration we used in Germany in early 1980s, (2) 1/35th U.S. Army AH-1F, and (3) 120mm figure of an AH-64 or 160th SOAR pilot in full flight gear.