Heaveyarty, us color question!


I went to store to get the model master 33531 san, which you told me it is directly match of the US tank color.

then I found model master 13200, US army marines gulf AR, did us army apply special paint on to tanks in Gulf war?

let me know which I should go with? i m painting a m1a1 which I found picture of gulf war.


MM US Army and Marines Gulf War Sand is not a good color to use for current CARC Sand, FS 33531. It was based on a color that was applied in Saudi Arabia and bought from local suppliers there. It is not a FS Standard color, but was just a local sand color that was used to quickly paint vehicles and it actaully chipped, faded and didn’t hold up well. It is darker than the CARC Sand color as well. It can be used for ODS vehicles that were painted in Saudi, but I wouldn’t use it for anything else. If you want a factory pained CARC Sand, use the FS 33531.

As has has an awnser for about everything I am going to sponsor a new bumper sticker campaign… WWAD(What Would ARty DO)?[(-D]

your photo collection just supported my idea on how to paint my m1a1. thank you. tom

I don’t know if I would go that far, …but thanks.[:I][:I][:)]