Have I mentioned I hate laptops?

Hi all,

well, the gremlins got me and it was bad this time. My dad’s laptop, which I’ve been working on since getting home just crapped on my book file and clobbered a chunk of text for my half-written book. Now its only a third written. Thankfully I have enough outlines and documents lying around here that I can reconstruct it fairly quickly, but that’s time taken away from writing the rest. My editor’s already going to kill me for being late with the book.

The good news is, this is going to be one heck of a book with plenty of reference material. Can’t wait for you guys to see it! I’m going to post pics on my new website (will be up and running in a few weeks) so you guys can get a sneak peek.

Finally got my Little Bird from Sprue Brothers too… trying to look at the positives here!

One of the reasons, why I store all my data on either one of those 2 media:

1.) External HD(ie Lan HD Drive)
2.) Clip-Drive (while I am on the Road)


Tried a lap top once, didn’t like it. Always backup your work regardless of type of computor you use.
Will wait for your website.

I’ve still got 77 pages worth of stuff, but all of the work (and none of the sleep) that I put in last night is gone. I’ve managed to salvage some of it, but man, that’s a pain in the butt.

Laptops are all that I have had for the last year, so I feel your pain. Back-up, and back-up the back-up.

SSG. Asmus
372nd ENG GP
LSA Anaconda, Iraq

SSG Asmus,

Welcome, and how’s lovely Balad? One of our other members, Privateer171 just left there today headed for home. Got a few other buddies running around there as well.

Anyhow, I’ve managed to salvage about 1,000 of the 5,000 or sp words I lost. Making headway. I WILL have this book done by the end of the week.

Better info here than in theater! I didn’t know the guys had left Balad! If you are still out there Privateer, Congrats…We are right behind you. Will y’all be playing with us in Hondo?


Not far behind…24 days and a wake up. Homeward bound, and ready to get back to the model desk.

Well guys, if any of you really hate his/her laptop, just mail it to me [:D], I wish I could afford buying one, that way I could do some work (and games and DVD-movies) on my work (I know it sounds bizarre).