Hasegawa Hurri progress

Here’s a couple shots of Hasegawa’s 1/48 Hawker Hurricane Mk I. I used the Aires cockpit on this build. Getting it assembled was tricky. After joining the fuselage halves, I added the instrument panel and rear bulkhead. Next were the sidewalls, then the framework that runs from the IP to below the seat. Finally, the floor was added. I had to assemble it this way, as there are no positive locating aids necessary to assemble the cockpit first, then add it to the fuselage.
The pit hangs lower than the kit’s, so I thinned the top of the gear wells as much as possible. This still left a step at the wingroot, which will need a lot of sanding to correct (and leaves a lot of sanding dust behind !).

These flaps are from an Eduard set (thanks Dan !), designed for the Hobbycraft kit. They fit like a glove to the Hasegawa kit ! All the ribs are separate, and must be kept in alignment to slide a rod through the rear of the ribs. Patience is a MUST with these ! I also needed to box in the wing, as no parts were supplied for that area.

So, you can see that even though I went without posting for a while, I didn’t go without building !

Three kits at once?! Your on a proverbial roll. Coming along nicely for sure.

Glad to see you posting again Bill. Is that the new camera?


Hiya Pix,
Not to shabby my friend… I have a few Hurris waiting in the shadows to be built. What all comes with the Aires set??
The building process of the interior sounds some what like that of the Spitfires assembly. Kinda sort I said…[:p][;)]
What scheme is she going to be in???
Flaps up, Mike

bill it looks outstanding my friend. absolutely outstanding


Pix, that Hurricane is looking sweet.

The cockpit looks great, and those flaps are a work of art.

Are you doing a BoB bird? If so drop into the BoB GB, I doing the same kit, but going the Ultracast route, and expecting far more modest results.

Thanks for sharing, and good to see you back.


Thats going to be an awesome build Pix, very nice work on the flaps…keep sharing your progress!


Your interiors are just insane Bill, you must have a 15 power loup on your optivisor.

Great work Pix. Looks like you’ve been very busy the last few weeks. The new camera is doing the job also.

Regards, Rick

Mate, that’s looking awesome. The pit is very nicely painted.

Thanks for the pics.

Been a while since we’ve seen any pics of your outstanding builds Pix.
Great c/p!!!
Good to have you back!

Sweet detail !


Thank you tigerman, grenadier, Butz, fightnjoe, Karl, Joe, Swanny, Rick, pingtang, tweety, and Bossman !

tigerman - it’s four kits actually. I’m almost finished with a 1/48 Hasegawa Ki 100. It’s here under the title: “Have camera, will shoot.”

grenadier - yes, this is the new camera. I upgraded from a Canon Power Shot G2 (4 megapix) to a G5 (5 megapix). The images are a little clearer, and the colors more saturated. I like it !

Butz - the Aires set is resin & PE, all for the cockpit. Only the kit’s upper left sidewall and gunsight are used. I also got the Squadron vac canopy for this kit. I’ll be using the kit markings for Ian R. Gleed’s bird. I like Hurris in Dark Earth, Dark Green, and Sky.

Karl - I’ll have to check out the BoB GB. I don’t know offhand if this one took part, I’ll have to check.

Swanny - I need those drugstore 3.25 power reading glasses, plus I have a large magnifying lamp (the kind with the circular flourescent lamp). Lots of light & magnification. My eyes are so bad now, I can’t read the computer screen without the reading glasses !

Thanks again, all !

Hey Bill,
Cant wait to see her all dressed up… Yeah, theres something about a Hurri in those colours…
Thanks again…
Flaps up, Mike

Great work as usual, Pixilater! Can’t wait to see the finished item.

Glad to see that you got a new camera and are able to post again. Always enjoy admiring your work!


Looks nice. Keep us updated.

Thanks Butz, Mark, and T-34 !

If anyone else is building this kit in these markings there is something worth noting. The markings diagram states that Gleed’s bird didn’t have the mirror. I found a pic of him in the cockpit that shows a mirror. (They look better to me with the mirror anyway !)

Thanks again !

Your lack of postings were worth the wait Pix’s. Thanks for the pics.


Pix, your work is absolutely beautiful and I run out of sincere hyperbole whenever you post. And I get humbled when I’m doing the same type at the same time as you (it happened once before).
As everyone here has heard, I got a bad shot of a kit from Hasegawa on the Hurricane IId I’m building as “Our John,” using the Sky Decals sheet (15 Hurricanes of all marks on it, but only one IId, since they were rare). Since everyone has heard the story, I’ll kit it short: the plastic began crumbling at every joint and edge, whether glued or not. No idea why this kit was cursed. But I have a new one now.
My question is, I’m using an Eduard color PE set (not very colorful, actually) that includes the flaps. I’ve done the cockpit, and hope to salvage it from the bad kit. It was mostly done with Eduard PE, with some scratchbuilding with rod and sheet and a few kit parts.
Now that I’ve started assembling the flaps, I found as you did that they fit beautifully. The problem I have is, the instructions say to run plastic rod through the leading edge holes in the ribs to string said ribs together and strengthen them (in real life, this would have been part of the pivoting system I guess). I can’t find plastic rod that small. What did you use for this rod? The ideal part for this job, I think, would be a metal rod about 1/32" in diameter, but I don’t know where to find a straight piece of rod that size. And certainly no plastic rod that small. And, it would be quite flimsy in plastic I should think. Any suggestions, Pix? I will always defer to your advice. Results are not to be argued with.
For anyone interested in building a Hurricane, I just stumbled across the most detailed and well-lit set of cockpit photos you are every likely to find anywhere. This is the place:
And though it is a restoration, it is a very, very loyal restoration.

Thanks Thad and sharkskin !

sharkskin - I straightened out a couple large paper clips for the rods. Solder also comes in various sizes, and can be used if you’re careful. The flaps on my Ki 100 have solder for rods.
Those are some great cockpit shots. Whis I had them before I installed the 'pit ! Oh, well Next one !

Thanks again !