Here is another recently finished model. Great kit with excellent fit. The decals were crap and dissolved, so I went with Montex masks instead. No real modifications, just a clean straight forward build.
Great looking Hellcat! Like the preshading and panel lines on your plane. How long did it take you with this build?
Nicely done. Whose paint/color did you use?
Nicely done. Have the same kit to do for a club GB.
Nice to hear about the fit.
Nice build
Thanks a lot! It probably took a few weeks between other projects. It’s not a huge parts count.
Thanks, I used Mr. Color Blue Gray H367 for the upper surfaces, and I want to say H315 Grey for the lower.
Nicely done. Not often you see an Atlantic Hellcat
Very nice build
Really nice work. The preshading and panel lines are outstanding and I’ve always been partial to the early WWII light blue color of Navy and Marine Corps planes in the Pacific Theater.
Nice! I’m a fan of the preshade technique too. Good call on the Montex, I use them all the time.
Thanks for all your comments! There’s a bit of pre- and post shading on this one.