Hasegawa 1/48 P-47???????

So, P-47 Gurus, tell me about this kit… Is there anything as far as inaccuracies, problems or whatnot that I need to know about??? Please help…

The belly profile is little to fat. If you fit the center drop tank it will likely hit the ground. The wings require great care in assembly to the fuselage as it is very easy to get a rather nasty step between wing & fuselage mating surfaces. Like all kits there are minor inaccuracies but it builds up into a very nice model. Overall detail is not as good as the new Tamiya kits, but still very good value.

Regards, Rick

i just ordered the hasagawa version myself, knew tamyia to be more accurate, but if you compare prices at greatmodels, there’s a $15 difference! I plan on building out of the box once it arrives…if i come across huge problems i’ll drop you a line.
V/r, bw


Here is my Hasegawa, Rick is right on the money, watch that wing fit up!

Good Luck


It’s still a worthwhile build. Tamiya’s better, but this isn’t bad.

I seem to have responded to this identical question on this site sometime in the last 24 hours, so I will be brief: Rich is right. I couldn’t wait to use that nifty looking drop tank, using my own piece of the “glass” tubing designed to break when the tank was dropped. I used a tiny elbow of stretched sprue. However, the tank dragged the ground and there was no good fix ofr it at that point in construction . I sanded a tiny portion of it thinner from the outside, so it sat on all three wheels, but the tank has no ground clearance. Haven’t built Tamiya’s yet, but you are no doubt right: the difference in price probably doesn’t outweigh the differences in accuracy. The only other additions I made was a PE seat harness and replacing the exact kit scheme (A yellow, stylized nose with “Angie” painted on it, with a nice bathing beauty to go with it.) with a thinner, more accurate Aero Master sheet (which also includes “Big ****** Bird” and another Jug from the same wing. A nice feature of these sheets us the inclusion of a small square of decal material in the primary color that must match the decals, such as when painting the cowl ring. I slid the little square onto a two-inch square of sheet styrene and went about matching the various shades of yellow that came closest to the color of the decals. In the case of Angie, the shade of yellow was not exactly common, so I had to mix it with white slightly, and that made me glad to have the test square.
All in all, the kit is well worth the price.
Good luck,

Nice looking build Steve. I love big Jugs[:)].

Regards, Rick