Has anyone ordered and received.........

…the Academy 1/32 F-18? Just wondering what your thoughts are about the kit.

Two of my local hobby shops have had them for about a month now, and a buddy of mine got his a few weeks ago. (His 2nd!) it looks SWEET!

Also, there was one built-up at our Regional show at the beginning of May. Here’s a photo:

If you want to see this as a larger image, save this picture to your computer and view it with any imaging application.

Fade to Black…

Yes, I rec’d mine this week. It is everything and more than I expected. I’ve been in an F/A-18 sqdn, This kit is the next best thing in getting your wings and saddling up. It is excellent, the details are amazing.
ar<img src=http://hyperphoto.photoloft.com/view/exportImage.asp?s=cano&i=10710700&w=600&h=450>

The hardest thing is to which version or option I want to do, and the really scary thing is I want another one. In fact more than 2. And I’m sure and a D and the Super Bugs will be in the works.

I need help[:X]
Fly navy

Having been in Alabama for two weeks in the middle of nowhere I couldn’t resist not stopping at the HobbyTownUSA in Knoxville, TN, on the way down. I drooled so much that I bought two and hope to start working on the first very soon. As soon as I opened the box the gears started spinning as to where to start. The gear are a work of art and I can’t wait for the two seater. Hope all of yall are well.

I just got mine off eBay, it looks like a beauty. The only thing that bugged me was the “oversale” of the “metal landing gear” - really just metal support inside plastic struts. So far only Tamiya has been smart enough to make the whole gear metal.

I turned Hasegawa’s prototype F-18 into an F-18C with over $150 of extra’s from Paragon and eduard and I thought I did a pretty good job - until I saw the academy release…

The only hang up is my wife wont let me start the Academy kit until I’m finished the conversion of the Testors F-117 with the flightpath updates