Has anybody built or know where I can get a ID MODELS 1/48scale Kc-135 Vacform kit?

Has anybody built or know where I can get a ID MODELS 1/48scale Kc-135 Vacform kit?

I’m looking for one for my father to give to a friend he works with in the 927th Air Refueling wing who builds alot of models for retirees. I want to know if anyone has seen this kit or knows where I can get one? I have the Delvac models e-mail address but he hasn’t gotten back to me yet. Can anyone drop him an e-mail for me and find out for me a price on the model?

website; deltamodels.t83.net/

e-mail; deltamodelsuk@aol.com <deltamodelsuk@aol.com

I would appreciate it,

