Hello dudes…[%-)]

I have the rev/monogram harrier av-8b “desert storm harrier”. this comming with the nice reference book and a resin nose for night version.

My question is, How could I paint, mark, show up, or something like that, the explosive cord that be raised in the canopy?

Any advice or ideas?





Two ways I can think of off the top of my head is to use either thin strips of masking tape or light tan decal strips. The det cord is a light tan color, Model Master Radome Tan is about as close to the color that I have seen.

Make a drawing of the pattern of the cord on to a piece of paper. Cut out the pattern. Place two or three strips of masking tape on to a sheet of glass or tile sticky side down. Use the paper template to draw the pattern onto the non-sticky side of the masking tape and then cut round it with a sharp scalpel. Carefully peel off the pattern and stick it to the inside of the canopy in exactly the right place. Now comes the tricky bit!!!

Using a very sharp needle held securely in a pin vice, scribe the pattern of the cord by following round the outside edge of the tape and you should have the pattern onto the inside of the canopy! When you peel off the masking tape, you should have the line of the det. cord on the inside! You can then leave it as it is, or run some thin water colour paint into the line. And that’s that!

Hope this helps. (Suggest trying on an old canopy first!)

I would have thought it would have come with a decal, the Hasegawa kit does? You might see if you can find a decal somewhere? Good luck!

Yes the two bobs sheet has them on it. Both the Hase and two bobs decal is a pain to apply - very, very, very fussy, finiky and so on. best to give both a coat of liquid decal film before applying.

If I am not mistaken, they are raised on the interior of the canopy on the revelogram kit. just flood the negative area with a liquid mask and paint with a whitesh biege.

thanks a lot… this is a very intersting “trick”… I’ll try and let you know that is work fine



There is an aftermarket one available that just sticks on the inside.

I tried this once on a 1/72 tornado, take a stranded 22 ga wire and take just one of the strands and stick it on the inside of the canopy, secure it with white glue and let it dry, once you have done so, you can dip the whole canopy in future.

P.S. Remember to paint the strand of the color of the explosive strip, good luck.

Thanks to everybody for the help

Over on Hyper Scale a few months ago I saw a review of an adhesive backed vinyl “cord” and it looked awesome! You might want to do a search over there and see if you can find it.

Good Luck!