Happy 4th to all in the US!!!

Fade to Black…


The good ole USA… still fighting for Truth, Justice, and the Pursuit of Loose Women…

Thank you, and Happy Birthday Lady Liberty.

I’m trashed , it’s 02:33 in the morning in germany , I’m feeling good!!! HOAOH!!!

God Bless America!

I don’t know about any of you, but my town had a nice little air show yesterday and today. It included the B-1, A-10, P-51 Mustange, Zapanese Zero, and today F-16s. Seeing them in person always gets my pumped up to build some of them!

Spent the 4th with good friends, ate too much, drank just enough. Spent that evening with my kids going oooh aaah at the local fireworks show. Good day. Went to the local cemetary that morning and put flags out on veterans’ graves. Been doing that for a while; took the kids so they could help. They asked all the right questions; I hope I had some of the answers. Thanks for the reminder, Blackwolf. - Ed

A friend and I took our 3 year old kids for a ride in the parade on a 1947 John Beam pumper truck, then went to a cookout (Brats Burgers and Venison) with friends and family. After that we went to the fireworks, an excellent show to end an excellent day.