My wife has just bought me a Hapdong 1/160 scale cutty sark , from a local charity shop.
Does anyone know anything about these kits?.
My wife has just bought me a Hapdong 1/160 scale cutty sark , from a local charity shop.
Does anyone know anything about these kits?.
Hapdong is a new name to me. It sounds like an East Asian reissue of - well, something, but I have no idea what. (The stated scale doesn’t help much. We had a most interesting discussion here in the Forum recently about the various plastic H.M.S. Victory kits on the market. It turned out that scarcely any of them were actually on the scales the boxes claimed.)
Quite a few companies have issued plastic Cutty Sark kits over the years. (I’m assuming this is a plastic kit; is that correct?) The ones I can think of off the top of my head are Revell (three kits on different scales), Imai (on two scales), Monogram, Academy, Aurora, Pyro, and Airfix (on two scales). I suspect there have been others. And several of those kits have been reissued under the labels of other manufacturers. (The two Imai ones are currently available in Aoshima and Revell Germany boxes, and I believe the larger Imai kit appeared briefly under the Monogram label.) Do you have the facility to post some pictures? If so, somebody might recognize this Hapdong one.
Got me!
Is the hull one piece, and the spars molded to the masts? I too think its a copy, but of which kit I do not have a clue.
I could be mistaken, but from looking at that very kit a few weeks ago I got the strong impression that this is in fact the Academy kit. I can’t comment on accuracy or fit.
I’ve taken a few photo’s on my digital camera and now all I have to do is figure out how to post them !.
Go to photobucket.com & register for the free picture hosting service. There ar other services out there too. Load your pictures from your camera onto your local hard drive - then download them to photobucket.
Photobucket includes the IMG tag necessary to reference the pictures on line. Cut & paste the URL into your message.
See the FSM Hints & Tips section for more info
I found following description at http://www.yatego.com/q,cutty :
“CUTTY SARK - Plastikmodellbausatz von ACADEMY-HAPDONG”
Btw. the review of ACADEMY kit can be found at:
This is a pic of the deck section,
skorecko , the stand in the kit is the same as in the Academy kit in your link. so it looks like it is the same kit .
Thanks everyone for the help.
I live in Korea and have bought many kits over the past three years, very cheap by the way. I’ve looked at the kit in question. It’s not an Academy kit. Though Academy has a “Cutty Sark” model it is not of the same scale. Hapdong is a Korean manufacturer. The company name comes from “Hap-dong” a place in the country. . I’ve bought a 1:35 scale AH-64D Apache. It’s very good. There’s a rudimentary web site {www.hapdongtoys.co.kr) in Hangul, the written Korean language. There’s also an AH-64A that was apparently issued some time ago. A search of You-Tube will get you a review of a Hapdong AH-64. The review was a bit stilted but the reviewer recommended the kit… I’ve also purchased a Hapdong WWII U.S.S. Missouri in 1:400 scale as well. I’m no expert but it looks pretty good. I’ve seen Hapdong E-Bay, including the “Cutty Sark” and the Apaches
Hapdong also makes the Tirpitz and Bismarck, and the modern Enterprise in 1:400 scale.