Are there any kits of this plane (I suspect not)? If there aren’t, are there any reasonable kitbash possibilities? Any diecasts or replicas of any sort with at least halfway decent accuracy?
Are there any kits of this plane (I suspect not)? If there aren’t, are there any reasonable kitbash possibilities? Any diecasts or replicas of any sort with at least halfway decent accuracy?
I’ve been looking for Gulfstream aircraft for a long time. I did engineering work for Gulfstream for 4 years and still doing some now. I asked at the time why no one had made models for them and, the answer I was given, was that GAC would not give the specs out. Don’t know how true that is, but that’s what I was told. I do know that Collectaire will be releasing a C-20 (GIV-SP) next year, but that’s all I know about. The GI is a beautiful aircraft and I too would love to have one.
My searches only came up with the Gulfstream IV, from Welsh Models…
I did manage to find a ridiculously inaccurate, ridiculously expensive wood desktop model. – but even if it were cheap, it wouldn’t be good enough for my purposes. So … again, any kitbash possibilities? This would be for a personal piece that I’d want to pass muster for the general public, not necessarily the more anal model-building crowd, if that helps any. Anything out there that even looks a lot like it? I don’t know a whole lot about this area of aviation …
Well, the only thing I can say that may help, is that, besides the windscreen, the G1 shares the FWD frames and stringers of all the latter aircraft. That however, would not be enough to even scratch build one though.