I’m a 58 year young military modeler and a model railroader HO scale. Rochester,N.Y. is home. My military interest is mainly armour, specificaly W W II during the desert campaign in Africa.
Most of my time now is with the railroad. I do read FSM though to keep up with whats happening and find crossover techniques I can use.
Hey!! Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it here. Lot’s of good folks and lot’s of info, too.
Welcome Boomer, you’ll find some great people here with equally matched advice from them! I have been away from models and HOn3 for a while, but I’m diving right back in. First stop cis atching up on the newest changes to the model industry, second step is to add onto the house for the layout room!
[#welcome] to the forums! A lot of great people here with TONS of knowledge. [tup]
Welcome to the Forums [#welcome]. Not much here for dedicated railroaders, but as you say, always some crossover in techniques.
Regards, Rick
Yeah, the trains were fast, Boomer. I wondered about the scale speed too!
Yep, that was a good point, but the reality thing is what is strange to me. You would think people would be intelligent enough to know that about squirrels. LOL!!
Exactly!! The only gasoline powered squirrels I ever saw were in Panama, property of Noriega himself. A dancing skin? Please…
[;)] 60
"Paper noses, paper noses. She sold paper noses, and they only cost a dime… " Yes, I remember. Then the old woman died. She’d been fishing.
Maybe when they get another way to pay off the county she can be buried and they can get her out of the back storage. Dr. Phil seems to think so. ( Dr. Philthy )
Yes, you hit the nail on the head that time, Boomer. If only more people could understand the affects of such bad gas inside a Boomer class. And I thought it was tough in a tank! We could always open a hatch!
I do agree too that all that hair from the barbers was probably responsible for fish getting hairballs.
Have a good one!
Shell-head? Could it be? How the heck are ya!!!
Oh, hey Boomer!
Shellter what’s new?
I told you a space heater would work for that, Boomer. You got to learn to trust your fellow modelers! [;)]
Now next time you’ll know and you can also get your mother in law to stop attacking your shrimp. The only other way I know would be “tongue pills” but buy the aspirin flavored ones. The natural tongue flavored ones taste like the deer hair popsicles.
Yup , its Me ! I’m still kicking and screaming , sorda , maybe … well not kicking but still screaming …EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK
Was just driving by and thought i’d drop in … screeeeetch , slam , tinkle , cough hack , ooops , sorry about the front wall
So any way lots been going on but i cant type about it …Run fast and dont let the mooses get you down …
Welcome Boomer…
Those darn mooses!! And hey, theres Boomer!! How the heck are you, friend?
60 [(-D]