Greetings! new modeller

Hi! just a newbie who’s looking to ask alot of questions because I don’t know anyone in this hobby, I’m from the Philippines and my friend recently bought me a model and I wanna get as many things right in my first build! Hoping I don’t annoy anyone with my myriad of questions!

Welcome aboard.

Welcome! What model is it?

Welcome! We look forward to hearing what kind of a model you have started with - aircraft, car, armor, ship or other. There are special groups below for each of them, but certainly a number of model-building techniques are common to all types.

The first rule is to have fun building the model. About 50 steps down the list of rules is to use an expensive airbrush and to worry about perfect accuracy. Enjoy!

And if you are buiding an aircraft, once you have the wings and fuselage together, it is a requirement to fly it around the room making zoom zoom sounds. Or if a tank make clank clank sounds or vroom vroom for a car. Enjoy the build!


Welcome to the Forums! Glad to have you with us.

You’ve come to the right place. The members here are very knowledgeable and ready to help with any questions or problems. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We don’t bite![;)]

Jim [cptn]

Stay Safe.

Welcome to the Forums!

Bought the cheapest model I could find that matches my interests, the Tamiya T34 35059 :slight_smile:

Will surely make my tank go clank :slight_smile:

Good to hear! excited to get into this hobby :slight_smile:

Welcome and ask anything [:)]

Typical Question from Me!

Does it Float ?

I did that with the first model I built, a Beech T-34B Mentor, but my wife laughed at me! What did I do wrong? [8-|]


Hello and welcome…

So you got a Tamiya T34 tank did you? Well that is by far not the worst thing to start with. There are many tread heads in this modeling group who can most likely answer any question you may have.

Do not worry about the first build too much, like they said… have fun with it. We have many armor builders here ranging from novice to expert. All of them are good chaps and are happy to answer any question…

Good to have you here!


I don’t think the T34 can float so sadly no :frowning:

I miss read it the first time as “the worst kit to start with” and I had a small heart attack haha, thats really great to hear can’t wait to meet everyone here and post my “horrible” new kits in the future :slight_smile:

Welcome aboard,I had a grandfather from the Philippines,my mothers father.Enjoy the forum,questions are good.


She probably wouldn’t have even raised an eyebrow if it was a model of a Subaru Brat on the table Top. Get it?-Their ads, Zoom-Zoom?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum, JimiJimo! Don’t be afraid to ask, it’s the best way to learn. Have a look at the great subforums-you’ll find guys who are experienced or expert in every one.

I wouldn’t think of it as getting things right or wrong, though, but rather, have fun!

I look forward to seeing your first build!

Best regards,


Thanks! I look forward to sharing my horrible first build haha