Can anyone tell me if there are aftermarket decals for a FW 190 A for the Green Heart Squadron (JG54) ?
I have the Tamiya 1/72 FW 190 A3/4 and would like to represent this squadron in this aircraft I’ll but the 1/48 scale if that is all that is available.
You could try a company in the UK called Hannants, should be easy enough to find on the net, I’m not sure of their email name. They normally have big decal stocks. or try via - www.ipmscanada.com
Good luck!
I know there are several aircraft that you can build in 48th, dunno about 72nd, tho. I’ll see what I have and if I have dupes.
Fade to Black…
Check this one out.
Aeromaster did this in both 1/72, and 1/48. They’re OOP, but I still see them around once in a while.
Bernie the K.
ST. Paul, MN
Go WILD!!!
P.S. You can also go to www. greatmodels.com
Go to DATABASE, type in: 1/72 jg 54 190
They show you some current decal options
this should help you out
Bernie the K.
Let’s have some drool time over this FW-190
1:1 isn’t too bad.