Great magnivisor


Still figuring out how to type below my image. Anyone looking for a magnivisor I just got this one and have been really happy with it.

I’ve been here for 7 years and so am I.

Here’s how I’ve found it to work, sort of; After you hit the button to insert your image, hit the ‘return’ key and start typing. Do not scroll, do not try to position the slider so you see the cursor, do not try to make the odd-looking greyed-out appearance of the inserted image go away (whichit sometimes is, sometimes isn’t, just hit return and start typing.

As I said, that works sort of, most of the time, more or less, kinda, hit and miss, you never know, maybe, “Do you feel lucky?”, etc.

Nice looking magnifiers. If I wasn’t still happy with my decades-old Optivisor, I’d order a pair in a heartbeat. Thanks.


I’ve been modeling for about eight months now and have made two recent purchases that have completely changed my modeling game. I knew a airbrush would make significant strides in a better paint finish and it certainly has. It was a bit humbling that my 50 year old eyes need considerable help and this product (or any good magnifying device) has made a world of difference.

Enjoy your Sunday


I bought one years ago from Harbor Freight for $4 on sale and I use it 100% of my bench time. I bought a second one as a spare just in case it breaks but believe it or not it is still in perfect condition after several years of use.


I have to give you a ditto on that. Mine are still working fine and I bought them over thirty years ago at a Harbor Freight Grand Opening Sale!

I’ve finally gotten to the point where ‘insert image’ and ‘enter’ [i.e., jump down a space] are a paired reflex. (But I still sometimes jump down a space before anything else, then tab up a line before typing or inserting anything…just in case.)

If all else fails, remember that you can always hit the ‘End’ key on your keyboard, and it will jump past everything else.[:D]

As to the Optivisor…I used and loved one for a few years, really saved my modeling. Then one day on a wild hair, I picked up a pair of large-lens 2.5x ‘readers’ at the drug store…and haven’t needed the Optivisor since. Much more comfortable and convenient.

I use that particular pair just for modeling and close-up work…keep them on top of my work table/desk lamp, in plain sight (and out of the way of the chaos below).

If I forget, and get up while still wearing them…the whole room suddenly tilts and blurs in unpleasant fashion.


Is that right? I honest to goodness never had a clue what the ‘end’ key was for. I thought maybe it was a self-destruct button or something. I can hardly wait to try this, thanks, Greg.

I’m going to have to try that. One of these days I’m afraid I’m going to jab my eye out with an exacto knife flipping Optivisor up with my wrong hand without thinking.

Then there was that one time the doorbell rang, I flipped up the Optivisor and ran upstairs to answer, wearing it and a pair of nitrile gloves. You should have seen the look on the face of whomever was there. [:O]

Reminded me of what the chief engineer at my college radio station used to say: "Whatever you do…for God’s sake, don’t push the red button!"

I used to do the same thing with answering the door while still wearing ‘the gear.’ The UPS guy would look at me like he was sure I was building a nuke in the basement… [*-)]


Just hit"enter" after you insert your image and put in your text. If you want another image, hit enter then insert it. Same as stacking multiple images. Just hit enter to place the curser on a fresh line.

I started off with 3.0X readers for the same purpose, which I bought from Amazon ($9.99 for 3 pair). After finding out how much better those are than the $100 visor that I bought and customized with LED lighting, I bought another 3, but this time got 6.0X magnifiers for close detail work. I have found that the vastly improved field of view (since the lenses are much closer to your eyes) made a big difference, and going back to a visor makes me almost feel partially blind and/or claustrophobic. Paired that with a 5000 lumens headlamp which gives me all the light I need, directly on the subject I’m working on. The combo makes working with even tiny PE details for my 1/72 B-52 cockpit a breeze.

My thoughts 100%.

I was happy to have the visor in its day…but being able to see my whole work surface (and the rest of the room around me) instead of just what is precisely 3.5 inches in front of my face makes a world of difference. Less like you’ve got blinders on.

For ease in continuing text below images, I start by typing in about four or five line feed, then use the arrow keys to back up about two lines. That way you can see the new lines available under the image when you are done inserting the image. When you are done with the image insertion, just move cursor to one of those lines. More reliable than hitting CR with image still selected.

I bought and tried this one a few years back. I like the optics and the field of view. I found the thing was a bit uncomfortable to wear for anything over an hour of work. The front strap would dig into my forehead and it would get sore. I tried wrapping cloth around that strap and that helped some. But in the end, it was still an issue. Probably just me. Maybe I have sensitive forehead syndrome.

There are times Im not even aware it’s on my head. That’s what I really like about this hobby. What I find brilliant you might think not so much.

So true!

I have allergies and it is a possibility that my skin is reacting to the material used in the band. Because after awhile, it really hurts, like a burning sensation. That is a bummer because I do like this visor. I like the optical quality, the wide field of view, and I didn’t notice a lot of distortion like I have seen with others I have tried.


Just a new note here;

I acquired something that opened up the viewing area a whole lot. It was a 18"x24" Fresnel lens.(That’s pronounced Frennel!).These are based on the same idea of the magnifying lenses in the old lights in lighthouses.

After building a bracket system out of Leftover 1/4" Lexan I now have a large magnifier I can work under. An OTT light on each side and a white work surface gives perfect visibility to the space.

Now it is just as bright when using my Cutting mat or my Glass panel. Now, because I use a CPAP at night and my forehead is kinda tender, I don’t have to use anything other than that. I did find a pair of jewelers glasses. Had my prescription set in them and I also now have multiple views of things.

First time I used them they scared the living beejaysus out of me ! I could actually see the numbers on a 1/25 scale instrument panel! The Fresnel Lense magnifiers can be bought at Office Supply stores. Just ask for a " Full Page Magnifier" That will get you one the size of a piece of typing paper

I have one of those somewhere in my momentos of working days. We were considering using a Fresnel lens on a project and were soliciting information from vendors. One of the vendors supplied written info, and one of those full page magnifiers as example of their quality. I think I will look for that and try it on my workbench. I too was quite surprised with the image quality.