Got a couple of new deliveries this week

Recieved my latest winnings from Ebay this week.

An F-105D by Revell and an A-6A Intruder by Testors. Bothe look to be pretty nice even though they are a little old. What are your opinions of these kits? I am really looking forward to building them as they will be a nice change up from armor. Both are 1/48. Are there any aftermarket items for these kits?

The F-105D has been around since the early 80’s first put our by Monogram and is the only offering in 1/48. It is a good kit and was sorely needed to fill the “void” in Vietnam era fighters. The Testors A-6A is most likely the old Fujimi Kit of the 70’s, basic and could be made up into a good kit with aftermarket items. The later Revellogram kits of the A-6E are better, still not first class.

Are there any aftermarket decals for the A-6?

Got a few hits for the A-6:

There’s a lot more they have as well.