Good sign?

Okay, follow my optimistic outlook here. Oh, this is more for the WRC guys than anyone else…

Tamiya brings out pug’s by the heaps. Inbetween, there’s correlation (to me) between their R/C cars and their 1:24 cars. 1:24 Performance Blue Focus vs 2003 “works” (reverse) colourscheme. Imprezza’s, incl the Japan 04 version followed the same trend. Now I saw an 04 Citroen R/C car available.

Am I being over-optimistic for a Citroen kit (at last) here? All the other major players have been covered. hase even brought out a Focus in their new scheme recently…

Hope not!
I’d love a decent Zsara instead af that over prized Heller/Airfix poor excuse of a scale model thingy.


Have you tried a Studio 27 decal set on one? I’ve been told it does wonders

I know of the S-27 upgrades and declas for this kit, but that’s not the problem IMO. The Arifix model costs almost as much as a Tamigawa here in Sweden and you could at least ask for a complete interior and maybe some suspension detail as well. As it is now it’s only rediculous for that price. I might get me these parts and one day finish the one sitting in the “to-do-pile” anoying me.
