Okay, follow my optimistic outlook here. Oh, this is more for the WRC guys than anyone else…
Tamiya brings out pug’s by the heaps. Inbetween, there’s correlation (to me) between their R/C cars and their 1:24 cars. 1:24 Performance Blue Focus vs 2003 “works” (reverse) colourscheme. Imprezza’s, incl the Japan 04 version followed the same trend. Now I saw an 04 Citroen R/C car available.
Am I being over-optimistic for a Citroen kit (at last) here? All the other major players have been covered. hase even brought out a Focus in their new scheme recently…
I know of the S-27 upgrades and declas for this kit, but that’s not the problem IMO. The Arifix model costs almost as much as a Tamigawa here in Sweden and you could at least ask for a complete interior and maybe some suspension detail as well. As it is now it’s only rediculous for that price. I might get me these parts and one day finish the one sitting in the “to-do-pile” anoying me.