Good for them, BAD for me

Just shelled out a whopping 90 some dollars at the LHS the other day, but I did pick up a Maus(which is brand new to the shelfs at the LHS, and a Jagdpanzer IV L/48, which has been there for over two years…and a bunch of paints and glue…[:D][:)][8D][:I]

But on the other hand, all of that took about hmm lets see around 20 hours of work to do…

Is that the Dragon Jadgpanzer IV? I saw on the Perth site that they updated the Jadgpanzer with new goodies. Suddenly I’m contemplating getting another kit that I’m not ready to buy. Sounds like the LHS and you both won out.

I don’t really know how new it is, but it for sure isn’t from this century, actually it isn’t it is from mid-90’s…but it is good enough for me, first zim project(I am gonna do this for the 12SS HJ GB) Perth has a review do they? might just have to check it out!

That’s why I don’t go to the LHS that often…it’s like they have a giant vacuum at the entrance that sucks all my cash out as soon as I enter

LOL Jwest, I do the same thing, but Im not sure if it works. Cause now when I go in I have the “Im not gonna be back here for a while” mentality. LOL I know that they are gonna be real happy to see me when I get home. My wallet is gonna hurt for a month.

I walked into my LHS the other day and they commented they don’t see me much any more… I told them it’s because they already have all my money. Then I bought a Coelian and the Windtalkers figures.

Hmm, maybe I should watch myself. I gotta make a trip today. I usually go in knowing that “There’s just that one thing I need” which escalates from a simple paint bottle, to many, many things.

Now adays when I go to the hobby shop,they ask me,"Your not going to get nothing today?"All I do is to open my wallet and you can here it say,"Feed me,feed me."Then we both cry.Digger

any donations are open…!
I cashed my paycheck the day before, around 12:00 am-midnight, i bought gasoline, then around 1:30pm we left, got there around 2:00, DRAT just missed the IMPS meeting-Mankato, just started an IMPS group, and i wanted to go to the meeting…drat always next month, then i stayed for a few hours on my own…all that time gone…i shoulda picked up a book or two also…

Let’s face it, we’re all addicted. You know, the potato chip mentality, you just can’t eat ONLY ONE! We just have to have that kit, we may not build it 'til next year, but, we JUST MUST HAVE IT, NOW!!!


my mother just doesn’t understand why i throw all my money(except for gas and savings) out the window…but it isn’t really, it has a nice aesthetic value, sitting there…on that shelf i bought from target, for years and years…i need more shelfs now…lol

90 bucks barely covers one of the kits I normally build. [;)]

On average I pay between 125~300USD per kit, just order one kit + upgrades that will set me back a measly 1.300USD.

one thousand three hundred?!

Yep, been waiting to lay my hands on that kit now for 5+yrs, finally the company took orders for them again. [:p]
But than we are not talking a plastic model either but a resin kit kit in 1/8 scale.
Sci-Fi Armor of course and thus of no interest to the guys here. [;)]

That money could buy me half a lifetime of kits (at least as fast I build)

Well, it might interest us to know what this 1/8 resin monster was…what was it? could you tell us? we don’t get out much…lol

It is a larger version of the following kit:

It comes from a japanese Anime series called Votoms(Vertical One man Tank for Operations and Maneuvers). Just one of the designs and variants from the Series.

Currently doing 2 1/24 Plastic models of 2 custom variants(more heavily armed) for a GB, the 1/8 version will stand about 47cm tall.

Forgot to mention there are also some 1/35 scale kits out, and I have seen some amazing Dio when they mixed them with standard armor stuff.


Not bad, what is it’s ratio of its size to a standard human? is it a battle suit?

The Pilot sits in the chest area with the head in the head so to speak.
Height of this design is 3.7 metres, the Suit can adopt a “downform” that allows the pilot exit and enter easily into the suit.

Below is a pic of the current Model (1/24) that I am doing(downform can also be seen)

Hope this answers your question.

PS.: One of my favorite mecha designs.

cool, i should try one sometime…