Good cheap 1/48 Aircraft Models

So, as I fire back up my modeling having moved recently and am finally settled in, I want to work on some practice models before I dig into my stash.

So my question is this, what are some cheap 1:48 Vietnam era or later jet models that are relatively cheap, have acceptable fit and acceptable accuracy?

I understand I can’t have everything, though.

Check out Revell and Monogram kits.

Look for stuff on sale online. Don’t shrug off Amazon either.

To add on to this, look for secondhand kits of the original releases of these. The molds were new, the fit will be better when compared to current boxings of these same kits. The decals may need replacement, but you’re far less likely to have many of the problems related to old molds.

I would add Airfix. Even their older stuff is not that bad, and the new stuff is a good bargain. Excellent kits at reasonable prices. My understanding is that manufacturers who do large production runs can afford new mold technology. I love the molded detail on the recent Revell stuff.

Airfix just does not do much Vietnam era stuff in 1/48. Their B-57 and EA-6B are the only kits that I can think of off the top of my head in 1/48. Oh yeah, their rebox of the Smer MiG-17 also…

Cheap is a relative term. I’ve found Monogram and Revell models for under $20 at Michael’s…SR-71, F-100, F-105. For a good Academy F-4C Phantom, I think I paid near $70 for it at a hobby store. Others I got on eBay or other online store for $20-25 plus shipping…Testors OV-10 Bronco, Italeri O-2. I kit bashed a UH-1F from a $10 Monogram Huey Hog Gunship and an Italeri UH-1D I got from a club for a swap of another model. You can add a few aftermarket details or a nice paint job, or special decals and unique add-ons to make that ‘silk purse’ out of an inexpensive model. It’s just about how much trouble you want to go to or the skills you have.

Hobby Lobby has a 40% off coupon. Just show it to the cashier.

If you have access to a model show, you can get some real bargains. I restock only once a year at the IPMS show in Orlando ,Florida

The downside is that Hobby Lobby has a very thin selection of 1/48 jets.

The secondary (read: used) market opens you up to a larger variety of manufacturers so that Tamiya/Hasegawa kit you like might just be accessible.

One post Vietnam era kit that fits the criteria is Academy’s 1/48 F-16. It builds easy, fits well, is reasonably accurate, and is usually very affordably priced. It offers a late A or early C options so is in the 80’s era, if that’s not too modern. There are aftermarket decal options available if you don’t care for the kit markings.

Last time I was in Hobby Lobby they had the Revell F-102. With the 40% coupon it was less then $20

Thank you for all the great tips. I was getting ready to start a great wall hobby f-15e and as I was looking at it, I thought to myself… I’m not ready for this, I need more practice.

So, I was primarily looking for examples of kits that I wouldn’t feel bad screwing up, but were good enough to give me sufficient practice.

Well, Revell makes a super F-15E in 1/48. But it is a new tool kit and a tad more costly and complex than their older kits.

But seriously, the more I think of it, for a late Cold War jet, Academy’s F-16 that I suggested earlier is probably the best bargain for the money that fits your criteria.

I will be purchasing that shortly. Any others you can think of?

Monogram Century Series kits. If your not aghast at raised panel lines, they are gorgeous kits. Varying degrees of fit finesse, very well detailed in the cockpits and other interior areas, full basic weapons loads, but again, good values of bang for the buck. Again I would suggest looking for older boxing’s for a better fit due to newer molds.

Raised panel lines are not a deal breaker, I just don’t know how to reconstruct them after sanding

If it is a simple straight panel line, some hair thin stretched sprue can be used as a replacement. Any other ones can usually be replaced with scribing for a mix of raised and recessed detail. In that case, replace the whole panel line instead of just a portion. Scribing templates come in handy for replacing lost small access panels, doors, fuel points, etc. There are also decals available for raised rivets and things like piano style hinge detail. It all depends upon how intricate you want to get.