Glue remover help

Hi fellow modellers,
I started building the f-14 tomcat model from heller with movable wings etc. Bad fitting model, when joining the main fuselage together I used Making tape & elastic bands & too much glue now the glue has run out of the joins a it looks messy, How do I remove? Sanding or freezer, what about the glue remover products on the market or will these get into the joins as well.
please help.

What kind of glue did you use on the model originally? I can’t really comment on glue removers without knowing what glue you used.
If it was liquid glue, sanding and re-scribing the panel lines may be your only option.
If you used tube glue, maybe the freezer might work.
Let me know,

Thanks Lee Tree, it was tube glue so it’s in the freezer as I reply to you, I’ll let you know if it’s worked.

Lee Tree, freezer worked ok still had to do little sanding and rescribing, a little price to pay
cheers scott

HI guys! This topic intrigued me since, like most people, I’ve gotten glue in areas where I didn’t want it to go. I usually end up scraping, sanding and scribing (Hey! The other three "S"s! LOL). What is this “freezer” method of which you speak? I have never ever heard of this before. I’m all for learning something new which will make my life a little easier. Thanks in advance,


Hi echolmberg,
The freezer method is as simple as sticking your model in the freezer for a couple of hours and BINGO most of the glue will just flake off (or rub off with finger nail)


That’s it?!?!?!! It’s that simple?!!!?!?!


Seriously though, thanks Scotty! This may sound demented but now I can’t wait until I get some wayward glue on my next plane. It means my wife will no longer have to hear my soft sobbing coming from the basement anymore.

No but she’ll now have to put up with F-18’s snuggling up to the hamburger.