Happy Thanksgiving FSMers! I hope everyone has had a happy and safe holiday. Yeah I know seeing relatives can be stressful. But we all have a lot to be thakful for if we think about it, which we should on this day.
Anyway, don’t eat too much because you know you will regret it! It’s already past midnight on the east coast, so you folks over there are either sleeping off the dinner, in line at some crazy store sale, or… building a model!
I went to someone’s house for dinner, and so brought twice baked potatoes, a family fav of mine.
The big ones were kept behind for “later”, i.e. to go with all those delicious leftovers to be eaten today, tomorrow, Sunday…
It was the highlight of my childhood Thanksgiving dinners. One year my mother said she was tired and didn’t want to make it, so I bugged her to teach me. Then another year it was the turkey. And eventually I wound up making the whole shebang. But to be honest, all that stuff is easy. It’s just time consuming and requires heavy lifting.
So what favorites did you have? Share your warm stories of yesteryear as we watch the terrifying post-Thanksgiving mob scenes at the shopping malls unfold on our TV screens. Or portable devices whichever it may be.
I had to work over Thanksgiving but frankly I am thankful for what I have. I’ve been following SP’s post on modeling behind the Iron Curtain and gee I’m very happy just to be able to waste time on something as silly as modeling.
Happy day after Thanksgiving Droogs & Tovarishchi!
We had the usual treats for indulgence yesterday: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, candied yams, rolls, corn bread cranberries, pies, cookies… and appropriate beverages to wash it all down… I ate more than I should have, but not to the point of “too much”