Getting my whites whiter

Hey all, I’ve run into a new problem. I’ve started using Tamiya acrylics for airbrushing ( My local hobby store doesn’t have much else). Have any of you had any problems with bubbles in white paint? I’ve thinned and thinned, checked pressure, sacrificed a goat, and still I get an uneven bubbly spray. I’ve only encountered this with whites, no other colors do this.

White can be a bit of a nightmare, as I believe the pigments are heavier, and therefore more likely to clog your AB.

All you can do is thin the paint, and apply a lot of thin coats. It’s boring and frustrating, but it does work.

Best of luck.


check for a clean brush first… if thats ok drop your psi below 10

Tamiya acrylic seems to need more thinning than MM. I would say a 50/50 mix is what works for me.


If you can use enamels, Floquil “Reefer White”, A model railroad color, is the absolute best white availble in the model paint lines.

Regards, Rick

I always apply Tamiya fine white or Citadel Skull White primer first (even use it for the final coat as well). This gives a good base for more white airbrushed coats and will cut down the number of coats you will need to apply to get a good white finish.




I agree. [:D]


Yep, that reefer white kicks some butt. I’ve used a couple of those Floquil paints though, and they’ve all been very good. I tend to grab them if they’re available in a color that I need or want.