The matt effect that you get from usin’ flat paint, looks unrealistic to me, too matt! By giving the armour a coat of Future Klear, will this solve the problem? I know that Klear is a gloss product, but does it give much more of a realistic sheen to the armour, when sprayed over matt paint? (I’m guessin’ that the Klear will be dulled down by the matt paint)! Thanks!
Most armor, with the exception of museam pieces and some US units in the mid-'50’s, is dead flat (matt). There shouldn’t be any sheen to the paint. Future will give a gloss finish and is usually used as an undercote for decals. The next step is to spray a dullcote or matt finish to get rid of any glossy sheen.
I’m with Gino, ND. All armor I’ve seen is dead flat – especially so when it has the all too common dust layer over it. If you think about it, what AFV crew wants light to bounce off/reflect off their vehicle?
I personally have never seen any armored vehicles with shine finish. However, if you want to make it shine, I think you can just paint it with glossy paints.
I know armour is not supposed to be shiny, I know that!! It’s jus’ that, from what I’ve seen of some models, they look to have a very very very subtle satin sheen, ( I cannot express this enough)! No way, is it anywhere near glossy!