Future and Celluclay...

OK… am working on some finishing touches on my groundwork. I have my GMC in some mud (basically mud-colored celluclay) and want to add some Future to make some shallow puddles. When first added, the Future seems to be absorbed by the Celluclay…I added more later-- same result. Will this continue forever, or will it at some point take hold and make a puddle?

OK…so what you are all saying by not saying is that it is hopeless? :wink:

I think you’ve gone and stumped everyone with this one my friend. Keep kicking it to the top for a little while and see if anyone picks up on it in the next couple of days.

If future isn’t going to work … how about clear resin ?

You might try sealing the depression for the puddle with clear enamel, urethane or maybe a thin coat of 5-minute epoxy.

For the puddle, I would recommend Clear Resin like Shermanfeak said. I use Envirotex and it is a Resin varnish that works like a charm. If you want to use the future, I would think you would need to maybe use some foil in the depression so it will not get absorbed by the cel-u-clay.

Also, how long have you allowed teh cel-u-clay to dry before adding the future? Depending on how thick you made it, I would think you should wait a solid 36-48 hours before adding the future.

Thanks guys…

Will see what I can do…

Hey Jeeves,
Once the Celluclay dries, it does not become impervious to water; in fact, you can remove an entire base of completely dried Celluclay by running it under water in your sink. Since Future is an acrylic, and therefore water soluble, it will also attack your Celluclay base, and if you’re not careful, all that Future will lift your base and ruin your groundwork. I would suggest using a resin-based (non water soluble) material for water. Check out some of the Woodland Scenic or other base materials the model railroaders use. I would suggest not trying to seal the Celluclay.
Gip Winecoff

Have you tried coating the pubbles with CA, then adding the Future after it dries?

What’s CA??

I have checked the diorama thoroughly styrene and it seems to be OK still… phew

I have pretty much finished this kit and all told with all the extras and such I have spent on it-- I think I’ll hold off on buying resin water. Just need to finish a tree stump I am making and it’ll be done. This is my first kit I have done with extras-- including Italeri’s Jerry Can kit and Tamiya’s Allied Vehicle Accessory kit…and I am quite happy with the results overall… I still am not sure what I’ll do about the puddles…

CA - cyanoacrylate glue

AKA - Super Glue, Zap-A-Gap, Crazy Glue and the list goes on.