hi folks. I’m working on a Fujimi 1/72 Japanese Gekko “Irving”, and the decal sheet was sealed in its own plastic bag, with a cover sheet over the surface. Good intentions…but the cover sheet was GLUED to the front of the decals! I tore it off, but it left a horrible mess of cover-sheet-fibers all over the decals! The decal sheet is ruined if I can’t find a way to wash off the fibrous mess! I’ve tried warm water, detergent water, acrylic thinner, and enamel thinner. Nothing works. In trying all this stuff, I did get one tiny decal to shed its crud, but that was just random chance.
Does anyone know something that might work to clean the fronts of these decals? I can substitute other decals I have…but it’s the principle of the thing, plus I’d like to know the magic substance if there is one. Thanks.