Does anyone know what the FS or name of that grey color for the cobras?
Whaz up RonUSMC
At this time I am not able to get my hands on the FS no’s but the scheme is Overall Lt Ghost (Compass) Gray w/ Dk Ghost**](Compass) Gray** or possibly Med Gray.
If you go to [b]Twobobs web site (, you may see the [b]FS no’s along w/ the decal instructions.
Hope this helps ya out bud. Flaps up,Mike
Bingo. That was what I was looking for. Im pre shading with dk ghost and painting it with lt ghost… so all is good.
So I see your going for the “natrural shadowing” effect. Like to see you post your Cobra when complete.
Flaps up,Mike
The paint job is the best I have ever done. It looks great to me.
I can show you a picture on the webcam… but its rather blurry and sucks. I dont have a digital cam… but I will grab one from a friend in a few days to post these models I have completed.