From my collection... (pic)

Well now that I’ve learned how to work these things right, here’s a little something for you all from the shelf in my model room.
This is Fujimi’s A-4 in 1/48 (well, that’s what the box said, I’m not so sure!). Lots of little shortcomings, especially in the cockpit and landing gear departments, but it was a quick, fun out of the box build while I had a detailing project in the works.

The white is airbrushed Testor’s Model Master flat white, the gray is Testors flat gull gray from the 3oz spray can. Future glosscoat for the decals, followed by a wash and some drybrushing here and there - then Testor’s dullcote for the finish. I did this one 2 or 3 years ago but only got around to photographing it last summer.

Certainly not the definitive Skyhawk kit out there but I think I was able to cobble together something halfway presentable. Fear not, better quality forthcoming as soon as I upload it!! [8)]

Nice Scooter from a tough build Fujimi kit, now let’s see the rare TA-4. I built that many years ago,

Check your six, Fly Navy

Lovely model! You’ve got to love the Skyhawk, it’s such a cutie! Here’s my one, also by Fujimi, but at 1/72…


Nice work from both of you! Kolja94 - I always appreciate a graet model from a so-so kit. Anyone can make a Tamiya kit look good…

Very nice looking kits! I’ve always loved the skyhawk , its a sleek looking jet…

Regards, Dan

Sweet looking aircraft guys!

Is it rare? I never thought about it… I started one years ago but was put off by the closed L.E. slats. Maybe I’ll cut them loose and put a paint-job on mine. It has a very nice over-all shape. Gotta love those Scooters!


Yup…Great job Kolja94!!! And Djmodels1999!! I planned to do a skyhawk in the near future… Well I have a benchmark now!!! Keep the good work going guys!!!



Nice a/c guys! Tough kits show good skills, or something like that. As far as anyone being able to make a Tamiya kit look good, Bubbamoosecat, you are reading a message from a guy who managed to mess one up! Bizarre but true!

Thanks all!

It WAS a bit a challenge with that one - you hear about guys detailing gear wells but this time it was enough effort just to box them in so there wouldn’t be three gaping holes [:p]

For me, the tougher ones help my skills so that when I get a “nice one” on the workbench, it turns out even better (and I appreciate it more!! [;)])

The A-4 IS a neat plane! I remember seeing a flight line full of the TA-4s at Meridian when our section of T-2s stopped for lunch (and by the way, Meridian in July is a rather “warm” place).

I just scooped up a couple A-4 sets from Twobobs’ big sale. Now I just need models to put them on… (cart before the horse? nah!!! [8D])

I must ask my boss what his tail number was. He was a Blue Angel in the mid 1970s when they flew scooters. Now he’s just an annoying old marketing veep. :smiley:

Nice work guys! It is always inspiring to see others efforts.

Very nice job on both. The A-4 is a killer subject with that tall front landing gear.The real plane is a bit
small compared to todays stuff,and it’s not that old.I think that the politician Mcaine,who tried to run for President
flew one in Vietnam . He also got blown up in one on the Forrestal,back then. You guys have inspired me to
start my 1/48 Monogram Pro Modeler A-4F Blue Angel.
Keep up the great work see ya
Davey 5

Nice grubby Scooter, Kolja94!
Nice Blue Angel, DJModel!
I’m inspired to grab that old 1/32 Hasegawa Blue Angel A-4 out of the closet and get going. But the scribing…oooo, I hate doing the scribing…

Thanks J-Hulk!

I find that scribing is best in verrrrry small doses - otherwise my short attention span gets me into trouble!

I know about Meridian in July,Aug,Sept!!! But I did enjoy the stay. Nice laid back training base.

Fly Navy

My pilots seem to agree - us double anchor types stayed in CTW-6 and Pensacola the entire time.