Found a set of 1/48 Huey decals I can use.

OK, I found a set of decals I believe I can use - not Fireball Modelworks but Werner’s. It has the “Winged Assault” crest for the front of the Huey that I’ve been looking for. Also has the blue circle and numbers that I can use.

In addition, I just spoke to my CFI on the phone and I’ll be taking at least one more lesson - I just can’t give up learning to fly just yet. [:D]

I’ve posted this in the Helicopters forum and will likely post it in the aircraft forum. I’m posting it here to cover my bases.

Until I quit taking lessons (only took three) I enjoyed talking to my CFI’s. They are a husband and wife team (been up with both) and the gentleman, Wayne is about 6 months younger than me so I felt comfortable talking to him. He was in country in '66 and '67 and flew Slick Hueys.

I’d like to build my Kittyhawk Huey for him but I can’t find any decals for his unit.

If any of you know where I can find the Fireball Modelworks set in 1/48 I’d appreciate your chiming in and letting me know where I might buy them. I’ve tried eBay - no joy.

If any of you happen to have a set that you’re willing to part with, please PM me and let me know how much you’d like for it.

I’ll include a photo of a painting that Wayne has in his building/hangar that he told me have the mounts with the markings he flew. I’ll also include a screen shot of what I found on Scalemates. I did find the old Fireball Modelworks site. I’ve emailed Joseph and gotten the reply

“I stopped producing those decals about three years ago and the only way I know of finding them now is in the secondhand market. Maybe posting a want ad on the Aircraft Resource Center forum would be the best route.”

Before trying to figure out where the “Aircraft Resource Center” forum is, I thought I’d check with you guys.

Thanks for any help.

My [2cnts] worth. Maybe you could find someone who has the capability to make their own decals. If the scalemates sheet is the one you need, they could copy it and print a set out for you. If that is not the one, maybe someone has a copy of the one you need and you could get it from them to make a set. I have a friend that has made me decals on his computer. When I get them, I just have to put a coat of decal sealer on them and they are ready to go.

Hope that this helps a little. Good luck.

Jim [cptn]

Thanks Jim.

I can make my own decals using decal paper and my computer and my Epson P800 printer but I can’t print white. That requires special equipment like an Alps printer … not going there. So, your suggestion is valid. I’ll make some inquiries.

I have found a set of 1/48 decals on eBay that have the blue circles and the sets of numbers I’d need … it just doesn’t have the white, blue, black and red “Winged Assault” crest which goes prominently on the front of the Huey. I may attempt to fudge a decal of that if I can find a clear example on the 'net I can copy.