Found A Model( Toy)


I was walking my regular round I saw something. A flash of color sticking out of a Pile of dirt just dug out for a utilities ditch. It was Filthy but otherwise, except for underground weathering and some tire damage it is salvageable.

It is a bright Blue Dodge 4x4 extended cab. Steering wheel is missing, But who cares? Windows were intact but unuseable. It took two washings with Dawn and Very Hot water to get it clean.

I will use the windows for Vac-U-Form patterns. Got the Steering wheel from another Truck. that was run over in the street. Had to twist one door to get it to fit right But it fits good now. The Front Bumper was toast, so I will do a custom Bumper with Ranch type Brush bar. Just another “No Brain” away from Plastic and Paper for a while.

Someone may recognize it. It appears to have had flames of yellow on the front that were badly painted over. The Grill was apparently, along with the Bumpers a soft grey( Metallic) color and hard plastic

Great! All I get walking about is hot and grumpy. You find model trucks—Geeesh it aint fair! I tells ya.

—Nice Save; will you be sharing photographs of your gem?