Former F-104 goes for land speed record!

Check it out.
Sweet looking machine anyway.

We need a smily that has its skin pulled back[:p]

Talk about flying LOW!!
It’ll be interesting to see if they can pull it off.


Beauty. Air bags or ejection seat?

Long Island Ed.


There’s a conversion project for that 'ole Monogram kit I have! [:p]

Fade to Black…

Clipped wing F104 to increase the ( forward ) roll rate???are they fitting JANTO (jet assisted no takeoff ) bottles?..Greg

That looks sweet. I hope that they do the test at Cold Lake. I just might head on up for it if they do.

This was on the local news here in the Seattle area the other night. from the looks of it , it has the ejector seat installed, but not sure if it is operational? The plane was an old F-104A, so unless it is modified, those early starfighters ejector seats fired downward!..kind of defeats the pupose when going for a landspeed record! Not sure if they will use JATO rockets, but they showed a completely rebuilt J-79 with afterburner on the stand next to the former starfighter.

Man, you’d have to give me a cooler full of beer and an entire donut shop just to get me to drive that thing! Somebody check the cockpit to see if their marbles are in it somewhere, 'cause they’ve obviously lost them! Now, just watch it work…

Check out the location of the rear landing gear (Yeah, I know…). At least you won’t need to weight the nose to get it to sit right on a base. Wonder if they’re using a stock F-104 engine, or if they will improve performance by replacing it with a small block Chevy?
Gip Winecoff

I would drive it in a heartbeat! The rush would be better than s…x! and a six pack!

theres a model of it on