there is a site that evaluates the differnt chemicals which are used to remove paint & it is Bone Diggers Styrene Archaeology This is only for plastic.This site is a modeling site that leans torwards plane & cars
Thanks for the info. The only remover I have tried is the Super Clean and it worked great for me. I didn’t have quite the spectacular results this person did, it didn’t take the paint off in sheets, but it did work after a couple of hours. And you can use it over and over.
I used braking fluid, which did the job perfectly.
Sorry if this is a silly question but as far as reusing Super Clean - Do you just strain out the paint or what?
I just soaked the model in the Super Clean till it softened the paint and then scrubbed it under running water. There wasn’t much paint left in the SC itself. When I poured it back in the bottle I did strain the last little bit through a coffee filter.
I’ve got another body that I’ve basically given up on. There seems to be a couple of spots in the plastic that no matter what I do, the paint just wrinkles on. I think I’ll let it soak for a while and see what the SC does over night and after a day or two and find out if the paint dissolves or falls off. Just to satisfy my curiosity.
I posted this in another thread…
Then look down the page for the Paint Removal articel…
Yeh, I’ve been there and read his reviews. I’m happy with SC. It definitely seems to be less troublesome than Easy Off. I know I did a bad thing by sending the old paint down the drain. I need to find a better way of containing it.