Following Rick's lead here...

I rarely post pics here as I rarely finish anything quickly LOL- but wanted my fellow flyboys to see these that I built for the D-Day GB. First off is Priller’s 190… this is my first time trying to paint the German camo by airbrush [;)] Sorry for the quality of the pics…I hope Santa is good to me this Christmas… my digital camera is much lacking…

And yes- I know my canopy is crooked-- it’s fixed now LOL

And next is the ride of Wing Commander Roland Beamont- In 1944 Beamont (now Acting Wing Commander) was charged to form the first Tempest Wing, No 150, in time for the D-Day. Two days after D-Day, Beamont’s Wing encountered Bf109s over the beaches and shot down three of them without loss.

Seems like he had more success dealing with the Jerries than I did in modeling his mount. While applying decals, I apparently didn’t have one of my exhausts too well glued and it popped off inside the model. This was of course after I had just finished touching up the seam using Swanny’s fencing technique. I wasn’t about to pop open the seam…and gave up trying to fish it back into place despite Ed’s advice for how to do it…so here she is in all her glory [;)]:

Looks good. I’m glad you shared over here too. I wonder if this should be the regular procedure, so that even those not in the group build get to see the nice work.

Nice builds! Thanks for sharing!

and again i will say it jeeves, very impressive builds friend. the exhaust thing just makes me feel better as i have things like that happen all the time!!! i spend some good time in there trying to get things perfect and murphy comes in a takes over!!LOL. dispite that little incident, i think the tempest looks excellent friend. hurry up and do some more!! later.

Hey, Who’s that following me? [;)] I think it’s good to share Group Build finished pics back on the Subject Forums, what about the rest of you ? Mike, I will repeat my comments from the GB post, Very Nice Work.

Regards, Rick

Great looking birds, thanks for the pics.

Nice job on both, Jeeves !
Is that a Dragon 190? The spinner, prop & landing gear don’t look like that weird Tamiya kit ! Good job, the construction of that kit (wingroots, cowl, & main gear) can be tough.
Is the Tempest the Eduard kit? If it is, good job opening the thick canopy. The gear legs can be fragile on that kit also.
Thanks for the pics !

Really nice Jeeves. I think when you get more airbrush time in youll really be kicking, your mottle shceme is a little loose on your 190, but thats something very minor when your whole build is taken in. great job.

mike that is fantastic. nice builds on both of them.


Those are great, Mike! Sitting there on that display base, it looks as if they’re about to streak skyward to engage in mortal combat!

Nice builds, thanks!

Take care,

Nice work, Jeeves!

Thanks for the comments guys!

Pix-- it is the Dragon 190…and I hear you about the problems on the wing roots and gear. I really had a time of it getting them in. I hate when they have you glue the gear bays to the bottom wing and then add the top wing… in the case of this model- those thin roots were a bear to glue to the bottom and in the end the gear sockets were nowhere close to lining up so I could attach the gear. I had to shave the struts to get them to fit in there, and if I were to give you a perfect sidelong shot, you’d see one creeping ahead of the other… I’ll admit, my pics aren’t high quality, but at least I know how to frame them so the boo-boos don’t show [:D]

The Tempest is the Eduard kit (non-Profipack)…not sure what you mean on the canopy though as they were separate pieces…and while this kit also had the same procedure for gluing the gear wells to the bottom first- at least the sockets lined up…although the gear struts were too wide to fit in them, so more shaving!

Thanks to all again-- I hope soon to construct an alternate base so my pics aren’t so redundant…bought some pine today-- and plan on making up a turf runway…

Both of them look 'perty good. I especially like the invasion stripes on the Tempest.

Did you have any major problems building that kit? (Tempest) I’ve got one of the non-Profi kits and had started it sometime back, but never got past the cleanup stage. Although mine has a one-piece canopy like Pix described. Hmmmm…

Fade to Black…

Very nice work good job!

They’re a couple of nice builds. Good work.

Thanks again all…

Steve-- Two main problems–

  1. Painting the D-Day stripes… I was out of MM White so I used a craft paint…and after masking, it promptly pulled off…grrrr…so soe of the white was repainted by hand.

  2. Fuselage fit was terrible-- had to use Swanny’s fencing technique which saved the day…so much that I refused to reopen the seam when my exhaust stack fell in [xx(] Hope to see pics of yours soon!

Great work on the two birds, Mike. The Tempest is especially nice, considering the issues with it [:D][:D][;)]

They both look just great Mike. I can understand the frustrations, but thats part of modelling as we all know to well.semper fi, mike