
I have pulled the Tamiya Fletcher class Destroyer from the shelf and am using it to hone some ship skills prior to getting my resin Indianapolis. . .(unless of course an injection kit is forth coming. . . .anyone?).
My order for tiny tiny people and railings has gone out and I plan on having the Destroyer in the Plane Guard mode, dispatching the small boat to pick up aviators from a ditched TBM circa 1944-45.
Any and all advice will be gladly accepted.


Sounds like a plan, but let me give you some thoughts …

The Tam Fletcher is in round-bridge/early war (as-commissioned) configuration. By the 44-45 time-frame the class had been receiving extensive refits of weapons to meet the air threat. Additionally, the Navy determined that the round-bridge was not efficient in providing visibility and the bridge-configuration was changed in later ships to what was called the square bridge.

Pick a subject and model it. Excellent online references include NAVSOURCE




Be prepared to rebuild/replace gun tubs and guns to match the configuration you have chosen. L’Arsenal makes exquisite 40mm, 20mm, and 5-inch guns. When you make your order also look at their 26’ MWB. It is much nicer than the kit boat.


Look to them too for MK37 and MK51 directors. They also make resin crew.

Another source of aftermarket details is Yankee Modelworks. They make (made) a 26’MWB and tripod-mounted 20mm guns.

Tom’s Modelworks made a square-bridge conversion for the Tam Fletcher. When I heard that Tom Harrison was taking it out of production I wondered why. Then I heard that Trumpeter was makeing a square bridge Fletcher as The Sullivans and I understood why (Tom Harrison has worked with Trump on the Liberty Ship and the Essex kits). If you want to do a square-bridge Fletcher with late-war weapons – hold off on your build for a while.

As far as brass. Toms, Flagship and Gold Medal all make sets for the Tam Fletcher. The GMM set will likely be your best choice for the various antennas which sprouted on mid-to-late war Fletchers.

Thanks Ed.
But I don’t want to put too much into this kit as I need all $$$ for the Indianapolis.
I just want to get some skills built up at PE railings and the like, I know I shouldn’t say this but, I’m not too concerned about accuracy. (Maybe I’ll move the dates up to 1942-43 and subsitute a SBD or TBD).
The dio will more than likely reside on my shelf never to be seen by more than a few guys in the local club.
I will take your tips and suggestions to heart for the USS Indy though, that one has to be perfect.


The Fletcher is an excellent learning tool to acquire some of the tools and techniques of PE application. I often recommend it as a first ship PE kit, regardless of the scale which you ultimately hope to end up in. The recommendations for NAVSOURCE and NICHOLAS stand as subject references. Don’t sweat accuracy at this point. You will make mistakes. Learn from them.

I would also recommend that you look at some of the smaller ISW resin & brass kits as a learner kit in resin. There are some different techniques which you will want to master before you attemp the larger (more expensive) kit. I often recommend the ISW 173’ PC kit for this. See Phil Kirchmeier’s article here on FSM


Points well taken Ed.
The more I think on it, the more I really want the Fletcher to be 1944-45. The main reason is the Measure 32 scheme.
Not to mention I wanted to model the USS Bush (That’s the USS William Sharpe Bush.). She was a kamikaze magnet and her crew quickly slapped on the measure 32 in hopes to evade further attacks. . .it didn’t work, but that is the rest of the story. . .
Thanks for the memory jog on the article and kit. . .This may be a (HUGE) learning curve I am about to enter. Keep the advice flowing! I’m looking for the ISW kit as the article prints. . .(I have it somewhere but I think it will be much faster to print it.


The BUSH was a square-bridge variant. Remember your goal of the build as a learning tool. Try not to get wrapped around the axle on details.

That being said … the ShipCamouflage.com camouflage database says that the BUSH was camouflaged in Ms32/1d (Medium disruptive measure/Destroyer pattern 1).


The drawings are for all 3 of the measures Light (33), Medium (32), and Dark (31). For Ms32, the colors should be 5-L Light Gray, 5-O Ocean Gray and Black. The deck is patterned in 5-O and 20B Deck Blue. For this pattern I would say that the 5-O was not used on the hull of the BUSH (i.e. 5-L and Black only).

Yep, got it.
I choose the Bush because it is easily Google’d.
That is where I learned all the stuff about the kamikze target. (5 Kamikazi attacks, at once!).
Your right though, Keep it simple. . .I think I’ll order the PC as it is quite reasonable. I doubt I’ll get the seperate gun tubs though. The PC might be the primer for a resin build.
(I also saw a Secretary class USCGC in 1/350 on the ISW site. . .man this ship stuff could get habit forming.)
Stay focused!


When you order from Ted Paris or Jon Warneke at Iron Shipwright, tell them that Ed Grune recommended you. Not that it will give either you or me an additional discount, but both Ted and Jon are good people and will want to work with you to make sure that you have a good experience with their products.

I will be writing you a note off-line describing the ISW satisfaction policy.

Thanks Ed, I really appreciate the assistance.
In checking out the ISW site I found the Indianapolis is part of their line, so they will be getting my business no matter, but it is good to read they are so highly recommended.
As for the rest of you out there, Feel free to jump into the discussion, I need all the help I can get. . .seriously.


Hi Don,

My IPMS club in Madison (WI) is currently in the middle of a Fletcher group build. Since I wrote a book on them (Warship Perspectives, Fletcher, Gearing and Sumner Class Destroyers in WW2) I was the guy delegated to provide reference materials to the group.

Here’s three pages of detail shots of Fletchers to help you along. Not all of the images pertain to round-bridge ships, but they’ll all help nonetheless.

Fletcher photo links

If you need anything else, let me know.



I have to agree with Ed - keep it fun, realizing that you will make mistakes, but you will master new skills while making said mistakes. Don’t let a mania for accuracy take away from the fun of the modeling … that is why we do this … isn’t it?

Yeah but. . .What if?. . .
Just kidding. I can’t make a mistake until I get building so with a bench (semi) cleared I should be ready to begin tonight.


Hi Jeff,

Those photos are great, thank you! They answered a bunch of questions I had for my Fletcher, and saved me time. You are a great resource and this has been a phenomenal thread.


Yeah Jeff, Thanks for that, sorry I left you out yesterday.

(Any news you want to share with me?)


In my best Sgt. Schultz voice…

I know nut-tiing…



I’ll give you potato pancakes[}:)]!
(C’mon you own the Shotze Toy Company, you should know something!)[;)]
