Flat vs. Glossy paints for decaling

Which is a better route for decaling when given the option of flat or glossy paint of the same color?

Flat Paint >> Future >> Decal Application >> Flat Clear Cote


Glossy Paint >> Decal Application >> Flat Clear Cote

If you’re trying to cut down on time and are after convenience, the second (gloss paint first) approach would be recommended since you just do one or so painting session. However, take note that some gloss paints, like some enamels, take a long time to cure (some at least 72 hours) so you may not be saving on time as you expect. You’ll have to test this yourself on the paints that you are going to use. Personally, I do the flat-paint-first approach since I’d like to see the “final look” and identify any color flaws which a glossy surface’s sheen may hide. But that’s just my preference.


Given those two options, I’d take #2. Keep it simple!

I prefer the first method as the flat paints dry quickly and help to eliminate the chance of getting dust into the paint like gloss colors can.


I definately prefer the first method - flat paint, Future, decal, dull coat…
It’s much easier to get opacity with an extremely thin coat of flat paint than it is to get great gloss AND opacity with a gloss paint. After all, a thick coat of paint hides detail.
The Future is self levelling and really lays down to a very thin coat - even several coats are thinner than most gloss paints I’ve used.
You can even apply the Future to just the areas to be decalled as well.
Good luck!