Could you folks here please get the forum search engine working in a useful manner. There are multiple older threads where I have been participating, I recall some portion of the title, and type that into the forum search. The results each time are absolutely useless. Now if I go thru page after page after page of my “your discussions”, I eventually usually can find the three that I’m looking for, complete with the phrase that I entered into forum search. But this usually ends up taking a significant amount of time. Can the powers that be here please fix that!!! PLEASE!!!
I agree with you. The ‘search’ function has problems and needs to be corrected. But, the powers that are in charge need to fix the email notification problem first.
It is a curious implementation. I go to google and do the following:
finescale keavdog last three
To get to the last three models thread as an example.
Yes, google works fine to do that… but the forum search engine does not… makes one wonder…