I just purchased my first vacum formed? And I would like any tips or advice you all may have on building this type I have build many (too many to count plastic kits) but this is the irst kit of this type Thanks in advance. J.J
Nice…what kit is it?
Some basics…
- Patience
It will not be “easy”. However, once finished you will be a better modeller (just my [2c])
- Research information
The interior or possibly the overall details will probably be sparse.
- “Generic” detail parts
Either PE or resin, they will come in handy due to #2.
Use the black sharpie marker trick and have plenty of sanding sticks and sheet styrene available…
What kit and manufacture?
Hi JJ,
John Adams of Aeroclub Models has written a detailed guide to building vac-forms, it is available as a .pdf file on the Aeroclub website :
John has produced some fine vac form kits over the years, so he knows where its at[tup].
Hope this helps
I echo Ant’s recommendation - John Adams makes vac-form building look so easy. I have watched him do a demo - he works so fast when he cuts-out a vacform from its backing that it is unbelievable. But then, he has been producing them for many years!
His .pdf is easy to follow - go for it. My 1st vac-form was the DFS194, a fore-runner of the Me163 Komet. Not difficult really, just be patient.
Good luck,