First Vacum Form Kit???

I just purchased my first vacum formed? And I would like any tips or advice you all may have on building this type I have build many (too many to count plastic kits) but this is the irst kit of this type Thanks in advance. J.J

Nice…what kit is it?

Some basics…

  1. Patience

It will not be “easy”. However, once finished you will be a better modeller (just my [2c])

  1. Research information

The interior or possibly the overall details will probably be sparse.

  1. “Generic” detail parts

Either PE or resin, they will come in handy due to #2.

Use the black sharpie marker trick and have plenty of sanding sticks and sheet styrene available…

What kit and manufacture?

Hi JJ,

John Adams of Aeroclub Models has written a detailed guide to building vac-forms, it is available as a .pdf file on the Aeroclub website :

John has produced some fine vac form kits over the years, so he knows where its at[tup].

Hope this helps


I echo Ant’s recommendation - John Adams makes vac-form building look so easy. I have watched him do a demo - he works so fast when he cuts-out a vacform from its backing that it is unbelievable. But then, he has been producing them for many years!

His .pdf is easy to follow - go for it. My 1st vac-form was the DFS194, a fore-runner of the Me163 Komet. Not difficult really, just be patient.

Good luck,
