does anyone know where i can get a decent fire truck kit. I tried my local hobby store, but they only carried the snap togeather kit.
You could check to see if they make them or
thanks [8D]
I have been looking for the same thing. I found an engine and a ladder at hobbytown usa but they were maybe of the 70’s style mack look and I really want a modern day. So far the only ones I have seen on the web are crash trucks and the wierd looking europian ones.
ok i thought i would try once again do some searching with all the different things people call a fire truck and here are some things I found that might help you out.
Model Truck & Fire Apparaus Co.
Emergency Model Castings
Hope ou find something you like.
I ran across a site I had not seen before. They have resin cast bodys and equipment along with some production plastic kits. Pretty good looking stuff to.
you can write a place called freds custom models, in san antonio tx. he does fire police and ems all in 1/25 scale, even has all the extra goodies. ive been using him for a couple of years and he seems to be pretty good. he has an add in the latest scale auto mag. hope this helps.
iguess i should have included the address huh.404 cliff ave.san antonio TX. 78214 . 1$ for 14 page catalog or 3$ for color catalog. also try , they have online catalog.happy hunting.
I have actually found his site. The only thing with me at least is where to get all the parts such as chasis, windows ,body and such that do not come with the cabs. If you know the answer to that firemodelman it could be something that i could truely look into. The flat roof pirce he has could work real as our Engine 1. I do like the turnout gear and equip he has though.
hey lizardqing, you will have to buy either one of the current re-issues of the american-lafrance rigs, the pumper,ladder chief or the aero-chief.also almost any big rig frame could work,the chassis on most of these kits would be a great place to start since you would have your wheel base as a starting point for what you want to do.i am currently using the re-issue paystar dump truck for my next conversion. good luck. talk at you later.
I did’nt know if that would work. With the dump truck chasis one of the rear tandems would heave to be removed so would the one that is left be in the correct place or would it also have to be removed and refitted? Also what about the body with compartments and pump panel and all, all the kits I have seen are the old style and would not look right with the new style cab, is this something that would have to scratch built? Sorry for so many questions but this is a project I would really like to do as much as I like to play around with the 1:1 scales. Thanks.
You would have to scratch build your body. If you was to build a heavy rescue type unit using the pierce cab, you can buy sheet plastic at most hobby shop,its from evergreen scale models, used mostly on railroad layouts for building shacks and things of that nature, as far as pump panels and things, model truck and fire apparatas has all that stuff, ive used a few of his things in the past . these pieces are made of metal so you have to polish the parts but they end up looking real nice. e-mail me your address and will send you some photos of some of my models ive built. i dont have a scanner so i cant post them on here, if you do you may post them if you like. dave.
As far as the dump truck frame goes i plan on either extending the frame or shortening it . i am planing on a heavy rescue type of truck so i dont know right now if i will have single or tandam axel. i ve seen pictures of both so i guess either will do, plus i am the “chief of my own department” so we have any equipment that i think we need. wouldnt that be nice in the real world.
Wow, thats alot of what I have been trying to find out. Getting me closer to trying it out. I’ll send you an email for sure. I like the bit about being chief, nice not haveing to deal with the elected officials saying you don’t need it huh. Thanks for the info.
got some of my photos ready today 9-14. also took a couple of the light rescue trucks i just got done with, in all im sending you 41 photos . i for warn you i am not a photographer so i dont know if they will be scan-able or not. if not at least you will have some photos to maybe get you going on your next project. dave
Thanks Dave I’ll be looking forward to seeing them. I will also seewhat I can do as far as scanning them also.
Well JD:
I can throw my 2pennies worth in,I to have checked out the sites that were mentioned to you,I’m still looking and will post any new info. I can come up with.but for now we are all in the search mode.One thing that can help with design,hit the library and check on modern day fire apparatus,Well tha,tha.tha.tha.tha,thats all folks…
Anyone looking for fire truck kits, look in your local hobby store for three kits from AMT/Ertl. Last fall the re-introduced kits of a 1970’s ALF Pumper, ALF Ladder Cheif, ALD Snorkel turck.
RG is or has reissued the Peterbuilt Pumper,good tooling,skill level 5
I think thats there way of saying comon I dare ya…
Hope this helps.
You can use the Peterbuilt pumper body with a Cab from MTFACO…just an idea.
Also MTFACO has most of the makings for several pumpers. Like the FDNY Mack CF, Mack MR, Mack B, Mack CF (Canopy) and with a little skill, you could get a Ford C8000, and fab a canopy for it.