Finnish Bulldog??

I’ve got a couple SMER Bristol Bulldog Mk. II kits (I know, but they were really cheap) and want to model the planes in Finnish service. I know most of the Bulldogs in Finland were later models than the Mk. II. Questions I have are:

  1. Does anyone have a good source of info on these later versions I could use to convert the kits I have? Or is there a conversion kit available?

  2. I read that Sweden gave Finland a few Mk. II’s. Does anyone have any info on these planes (markings, numbers, etc.)?

Search for websites on the Finnish Air Force and you should find some information there.

The Mk IVa was a different looking aircraft and to convert from a Mk II would probably be almost scratch building.

Mushroom Publications have a recent book on the Bulldog and Gauntlet (also used by the Finns). You might find some information and even scale plans there. (look under yellow series).

just have to put a little work into detailing and the smer’s will be ok