This is another great kit from Hasegawa. It’s a 1/48 A4C that I converted to an L using a larger resin seat and split flaps. The Aires resin set also included some very nice resin and PE speed brakes. The avionics hump was included in the kit. I went with an L cause I found an interesting decal sheet from Eagle Strike depicting an A4L that was with VC-2 in the 70’s. I know it’s probably too dirty for some of you guys…sorry Rick, but I was going after that “used look.” I loaded up the MER with Mk. 82 Snakeyes from the Hasegawa weapons set. This kit went together with no problems whatsoever. Another Scooter is definitely on the horizon. Hope you like it.
Nice one Jerry The weathing looks great. It looks as though you spent alot of time detailing the bottom.(an area some poeple dont give enough attention to.) All in all another great build. If you hurry I think you can still enter it in Modeling Madness’s on line Scooter challenge. Youve got the wiinner there.
Nice job! I agree with Trevor…go to and enter that contest. The decals and markings look great ! I just picked up the Hasegawa 1/48 A4K, glad to hear you give Hasegawa a thumbs up on the Skyhawk!
Jerry, I have to say you’re probably one of the premere kitbuilders on this site. This plane is a fine example. Simply awesome work. I think the weathering looks great, like she’s on a nice cruise. Just a question about the plane… The landing gear looks a bit spindly for a Navy bird… Did the scooter have a higher accident rating? I know the Navy won’t accept planes unless they’ve got heavy duty landing gear and a dual nosewheel. Just a thought… Great work, friend!
Great looking example of the Scooter! I like those colors she’s wearing, too. I think the weathering looks good. Just like it’s come off the big deck after a deployment. I’d really like to get one of these someday and deck it out in USMC markings. Thanks for sharing your work with us.
You’re a modelling wonder: so many stunningly represented aircraft so consistently in such little time. I am always impressed not only with your building skills, but your painting as well. If you ever write a “How-to” book, send me the first copy!
That is one stunning model! I think the weathering looks great; probably similar to what you’d see on the real a/c after a long cruise. I think I’m going to have to pick up a Scooter myself, after I finish those 30 kits I have stashed in my closet…[:D] Can’t wait to see more from your workbench!
Jerry… well once again another beauty. And I don’t think it’s too dirty at all. As my handle implies… I like most stuff that flies but usually it needs a prop. There are a few gas passers that I am fond of and you have one right there. Well done.
Whoa…now that is a stunner! Jerry, you have done an incredible job. I love A-4’s and its been a real pleasure to see this one. Thanks for the pics, Darren.
Very nice, mate. Thanks for the pics!. I like the markings - very cool.
I just bought Hasegawa’s E/F…and other than the bloody nosewheel molded with the nose gear leg, it’s a beautiful kit - I haven’t started it yet, but friends have told me that it’s the bees knees.
Send pics of the next one you build as well. Thanks!
Did you enter the contest? There is an “L” over there with the same markings…let us know I am sure you would get the votes…
How the Browns doing with free agency? Do you want to go double or nothing on our bet this year…forget baseball, you would clean my clock…the Pirates are the best Double A team in the majors!